Circumstances & Thought
Share: The human mind may be compared to a garden which may be intelligently cultivated
or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected it will eventually blossom. If no useful seeds are put into it then an abundance of useless weeds and seeds will grow and it will continue to produce the same. Year after year until the right seeds are planted and nourished.
Just as a gardener develops his land, he must keep his garden free from weeds so that he grows the flowers and fruits which are expected so may a person tend the garden of their mind weeding out all the wrong useless and impure thoughts and growing towards perfection the flowers and fruits of right useful and pure thoughts. When we follow this process a person sooner or later discovers that they are the master-gardener of their soul the director of their own life. This also reveals to them the laws of thought and understanding with ever greater accuracy how thoughts and ones mind operate in the shaping of a character, circumstances and destiny.
Thoughts and character are one, and as character can only grow manifest and discover itself through their environment and circumstance the outer conditions of a persons life will always be found to be pleasantly related to their inner state. This does not mean that at any given time a persons circumstances are an indication of their entire character and life but the circumstances are so intimately connected with some vital thought process within them that for the time being they are invaluable to their development.
Everyone is where they are because of their being. Their own thoughts which they built into their character have brought them there and in the gathering of them during life there is no element of chance but all is the result of a law which cannot error. This is just as true of those who feel "out of harmony" with their surroundings as of those who are contented with them.
Share: As a person progresses and evolves they are all right where they need to be so that each may learn and. As we learn the spiritual lessons given us to learn from they pass away and a new set of circumstances and lessons come our way.
We are only beaten and burdened by a set of circumstances as long as we believe we are to be victims of outside conditions. When we realize that we are a creative power and that we may command the hidden soil and seeds of our soul we become the rightful master of ourselves.
We come to know, after a time of learning and experiencing life and its many circumstances that we receive in exact ratio what we have put our energies in to. It is so true that when we sincerely apply ourselves to restore our defects of character and make quick and noticeable progress we will pass swiftly through a succession of changes.
The soul attracts that which it secretly holds most dear. That which it loves and also that which it also fears. We reach the height of our most cherished aspirations. We fall to the level of what we believe to be our lowest thoughts and then the circumstances we face are the means by which the soul receives its own desires.
Every thoughtseed sown or allowed to fall into the mind and to take root there produces its own blossoming sooner or later into an action and bearing its own opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit and bad thoughts bad fruit.
by: chhote532
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