Christmas Do's & Don'ts
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Christmas Do's & Don'ts
Yes it's that time of year again when the weather takes a turn for the worst, fitness becomes less of a priority and the festive foods take over!
While it's very easy to get caught up with the cold weather, snow and generally jollymoods, let's not forget to keep focus on the well being of our bodies.
Share: This may sound like hard work given all the elements we are facing but in actual fact it's not really that difficult. If you can sustain 30 minutes of cardio/resistance training per day that will see you through the month of December very nicely.
The trap you don't want to fall into is going to work and findingyourself eatingthe cup cakes and other goodies in large traysthat your very generous peers have left. This will result in you eating nothing BUT SUGAR for 8 hours and this will continue for weeksbecause the next dayanother friendly peer will also bring in some festive yummies.
Then there will be after hour drinks and bar nights resuting in late dinners and so forthand you will casually smile and accept what is going on because its Christmas!Well it's not quite Christmas, it's the "lead up" to Christmasbut you will only be more than happy to tell yourself that it is
Now before we tackle the do's let's just quickly get the do not'sout of the way first as I like to end on positive and lighter notes
Do Not
-Do not starve yourselfduring the day so you canover indulgeon snacks, goodies and Christmas diners
- Avoid sitting at your desk and snacking for 8 hours on cakes and goodies that your work peers have bought in!
- Separate yourself from your nearest and dearests December habits, they may not want to look after themselves as well as you do
- Avoid late night diners and going to bed straight after
- Do not get drunk on every given opportunity & avoid "one for the road"
- Do not be bullied into eating and drinking more because friends andfamily members are saying "go ooooooonyou know you want to".it's a trap!
- Drink plenty of water during the day, this will help release toxins fromyour body
- Do try the odd cup cake but don't get excited and getcaught up in the moment and find yourself elbow deep in tray full of assorted cakes!
- Continue to eat 3 regular meals during the day
When I say cardio I am talking about going for a jog, swimming, skipping cycling any fitness activity that will have your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes.
Not only will this help you burn calories but it will keep your mind, body and immune system fit during the month of Decemberthis will not only keep you active but it sets you up nicely for your New Years Resolutions.
Resistance training could be body weight exercises such as push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges etcthese exercises will help keep your muscles remainstrong, supple, flexible, toned and well conditioned!
Other advantages to 30 minutes of exercise per day is it keeps your immune system finely tuned resulting in youminimising your chancesof catching a cold/flu and other airbornviruses that tend to pop up during the colder temperatures of December.
I would like to take this opportunity to wisheveryone a safe and wonderful "Lead Up" to and Christmas
Share: Deepak Bhangu
Head of Operations & Personal Trainer
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