There are many different means of advertising that a company can choose for its products and it is very important to choose the right one. Above everything else, you have to take into consideration which is the targeted public to which your message should be delivered and then you can choose the media means which are access by your specific audience. For example, the best way to deliver a message dedicated to car owners is though the radio because it is frequently listened to by this public as they are driving around in their vehicle.
Commercials for detergent and household products are to be delivered to women because they represent the best market segment of buyers and you could arrange for these commercial to be played during soap-opera commercial. If you are a toy manufacturing company and have just produced a new doll or a toy helicopter, you may want your message to be delivered straight to the kids as there are the ones that will persuade parents to buy them. These commercials should be played during morning programs and cartoons.
When you have figured out which is the best media that can deliver your message, you need to establish the advertising budget because TV commercials cost a lot, especially during prime-time. Make sure you don't waste your marketing budget for nothing and if it is necessary, conduct a market research amongst the targeted audience to see which mass media elements they find more appealing. Who knows, maybe free samples of your new chocolate in the supermarket will turn out to be more efficient that a commercial where milk and cocoa are stirred together in a bowl.