Choose The Right Travel Chess Set To Enjoy Your Journeys

Share: Chess is a game of skill
Chess is a game of skill. It is a game that requires immense powers of concentration, and sound strategizing from the beginning to end. It is also one of the more popular games around the world. Apart from providing intellectual stimulation, chess can be played using a very small space, sitting in one place, and at any time. It does not require large infrastructure or spacious playgrounds. Playing chess during long distance travel is a great way to spend some quality time. But the problem with a normal chess set is that the movement of the train or airplane, or an unintentional push can cause the chess pieces to fall. This disrupts the game completely, and the pieces might even be broken.
However, specially designed travel chess sets are available in the market these days. A modern travel chess set is usually magnetic or has Velcro. This enables the chess pieces to remain stuck to the board. A travel chess set can also come as a folding set, with chess pieces attached. The whole set including the pieces can be rolled up into a conic shape and stuffed into your travel bag.
While buying a travel chess set, you must take several factors into account. Firstly, the kind of chess set you buy should depend upon how much you usually travel. If you rarely travel, then a chess set made of simple plastic pieces and board should suffice. The size of the travel chess set can also be small. If, however, you travel a lot, you will need a sturdy and durable chess set, so it would be better to opt for a wooden and magnetic set with bigger pieces. The disadvantage of wooden travel chess sets though, is that they are heavier to carry. So choose a light variety of wood if possible.Chess sets also vary according to price. The cheapest ones usually last only a few months, but if bought from a good seller can last longer. Cheap chess sets are usually made of plastic, but wooden sets with thin chess pieces are also available at low prices.
Moderately priced travel chess sets made of wood, with a magnetic or Velcro board and strong, well shaped pieces are available in various artistic designs and colors in the market. In fact the moderately priced range offers the most variety in look and design, because there is less focus on using specific material of specific thickness and texture. Plastic folding sets are also available in the moderate price range.

Share: Look for travel chess sets that have quality pieces. If the pieces are made of hollow wood, it is advisable not to buy them. Pieces that are too small can get lost easily; huge pieces can be difficult to carry while travelling. All pieces must be of similar size, and the size of the board should be just right for the size of the pieces. Overall, the set should be compact, easy to carry, preferably magnetic, and attractive.
by: Jackyboy.
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