Chiropractor Littleton Co | Chiropractic Treatments Becoming Popular With Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that can cause pain throughout the body's muscles
, tendons and ligaments. It also can cause chronic fatigue or occur in conjunction with it. Tender points occur as well, where if slight pressure is applied, pain is experienced. This condition affects mainly women and the chances of getting it rise with age. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia affect people differently and can depend upon stress, weather and physical activities.
Most people who suffer with this condition describe the pain as a dull, constant ache in the muscles, and pain at the tender points located throughout the body. They also suffer with sleep disorders, digestive problems and fatigue along with possible sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, which experts believe prevent them from reaching the deep sleep stage that people need, in order to feel well rested in the morning. Fibromyalgia is not considered to be progressive and normally will not lead to other physical conditions. However, it can cause depression, pain, and fatigue from lack of sleep, which can interfere with work and relationships and be down right debilitating.
Many people with fibromyalgia are choosing chiropractic treatments as opposed to traditional treatments that often do not provide the relief that a chiropractor can offer. Patients often see fast relief with the treatments that chiropractors use so they can regain their life and begin to enjoy it once again. Chiropractors look at illnesses in a different way than their medical counterparts. They believe that since the body is a connected system of tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, joints and bones, that when the skeletal system becomes misaligned, this can affect the entire body.
When the skeletal system is aligned and balanced, the body responds, providing a feeling of health and happiness. Chiropractor's goals are to find the problem and solve the pain by correction any imbalances that are in the skeletal system. With adjustments, stretches, exercises and dietary changes the skeletal system can be aligned and rest of the body has a better chance of functioning normally. Less pain and greater ability to live normally are the typical outcome.
Many patients who suffer with fibromyalgia also suffer with upper cervical spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the meninges of the upper spine to compress. This can create severe pain, often debilitating the patient. Chiropractors know how to relieve this pain with the use of adjustments and exercises to the neck and head, relieving the compression of the spine thus relieving the pain associated with this disorder. Study results show that people who suffer with spinal stenosis having surprisingly good results with chiropractic treatments. After just a few treatments, patients are finally finding pain relief without the use of drugs or steroid injections. With chiropractic treatments, not only is pain diminished but sleep quality becomes better.
Finding a good chiropractor is not always easy, but there are chiropractic centers that specialize in the treatment of fibromyaliga. These centers have not only chiropractors, but also a full staff that are professionally trained to provide the best possible treatment plan available for fibromyalgia patients. Not only are adjustments, stretches and exercises done, but their team of trained professionals are there to provide any other treatments the chiropractor suggest, such as hydrotherapy, massage therapy, progressive rehab, nutrition and wellness, prevention and more.
These centers know that older methods of chiropractic care used treatments that only covered up the pain for a temporary time. Nowadays, chiropractors use different techniques with the understanding and knowledge that the source of the pain must be dealt with in order for relief to be permanent. With the use of high-tech equipment and the new knowledge that chiropractors have, they are now more effective than ever at relieving the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
by: Chris Tomshack
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