Chiropractor Fitchburg Wi | Treatment And Prevention Of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is becoming more and more rampant in today's society
. However, the average person does not know what it is, how to treat it, or how to prevent it. Some very general information on the subject goes a long way in treating and preventing this painful problem.
What is Carpel Tunnel? -
The carpel tunnel is a narrow tube the size of your thumb on the palm side of your wrist. This tunnel contains an important nerve to your hands and fingers. The tunnel is designed to protect this nerve.
When damage to the tunnel occurs, pressure is put on that main nerve. This causes pain, numbness and even weakness in the hand. Luckily, most of the time, carpel tunnel is easily treated.
What are the Symptoms? -
At first, you may not notice anything. Then it gradually gets worse. Pain in the wrist, hand and forearm occurs. The three most common symptoms include:
1.Tingling and Numbness - Your hand and fingers will experience pain and numbness. It generally affects all the fingers except the pinky. You may find yourself "shaking out" your hands throughout the day.
2.Pain - Pain that radiates from your wrist up your arm is another common symptom. Sometimes the pain goes all the way up to the shoulder. It is worth noting the pain is usually associated with the palm side of the arm.
3.Weakness - A more extreme sign is weakness in the hands and fingers. You may find that you are dropping objects.
When to See a Doctor -
You will want to see a doctor or chiropractor if any of these symptoms persist or get worse. Failure to seek medical attention at an early stage could cause permanent nerve damage. However, when treated early, the symptoms can be reversed.
What Causes Carpel Tunnel -
The cause of carpel tunnel is always the same: pressure on the nerve. Anything that makes the tunnel smaller will cause symptoms. Generally, this will include:
"Health Problems - Rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal disorders, fluid retention and abnormal protein in the bone marrow can put pressure on the tunnel.
"Repetitive Use & Injury - Despite popular belief, the repetitive motion needs to be forceful and prolonged. You would really need to be pounding on a keyboard for a long time to cause the injury. However, any injury that causes the wrist to swell can put pressure on the nerve.
"Small Tunnel - Some people are just born with a smaller carpel tunnel than others. This makes them more prone to injury and pain.
Non-Surgical Treatment -
Most people will not need surgery to relieve the pain Common treatments include:
"Splinting - A wrist splint helps if you seek help and get treatment early.
"Medication - Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications are given to reduce the swelling.
"Steroids - While oral steroids have not been proven effective, injected steroids have. Your doctor may want to give you a shot.
Prevention -
The best way to prevent carpel tunnel is to watch your force. You do not need to hit the keyboard hard when you type and you do not need to grip a pencil tightly when you write. Be gentle to protect the nerve and be sure to take frequent breaks from typing and writing.
by: Chris Tomshack
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Chiropractor Fitchburg Wi | Treatment And Prevention Of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Amsterdam