China Auto Manufacturers Speeding up Development of Powertrain System

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Strategy Analytics - Automotive Electronics Service released the latest report that Chinese automobile manufacturers developed quickly in the powertrain system. Their analyst has attended Beijing Auto Exhibition 2010, and observed that Chinese makers has concerned for energy-saving powertrain.
In order to enhance fuel efficiency, almost every model showed on the Exhibition is equipped with advanced multi-point fuel injection system with variable timing valve. Moreover, many of the vehicle are reduced engine displacement, and equipped with mechanical supercharger or turbo. Strategy Analytics believe that in the long term, the Chinese manufacturers will adopt further for gasoline direct injection system, advanced engine management system, automotive exhaust gas recirculation system, start & parking system, as well as hybrid and electric powertrain. New transmission control system will further enhance the power transmission performance.
Kevin Mak, the analyst of Strategy Analytics, comments that the most notable is the improvement speed of Chinese local manufacturers. The Chinese government has recognized the growing danger of dependence on imported crude oil, so government advocates enhancing the powertrain performance when continuing to develop the industries, so that to stabilize the demand for crude oil. On the other hand, the wide criticism from domestic and foreign on China's level is prompting the government to accelerate the implementation of more stringent emission standards, and issue new fuel economy instructions. In addition, the Government may amend preferential taxation policies on carbon dioxide emissions or fuel economy measures, to replace the current measures based on engine displacement, and implement greater subsidy policy for hybrid and electric locomotives.
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