Chicken Pox Symptoms and Treatments
When you're suffering from the chicken pox virus
, there are several symptoms that occur as your body's response to this virus. The intensity of these chicken pox symptoms are usually determined by how strong your immune system is. Many children haven't developed a strong immune system, so they're more likely to experience more chicken pox symptoms than teenagers or adults.
The early symptoms of chicken pox are cold symptoms, fever, abdominal pain, headache, and a general feeling of illness. These can come with a rash or before it by a day or two. The fever may be higher the first few days after the rash appears.
Children under 10 years old are the main target of chicken pox. Adults can catch chicken pox as well, but this is very rare. Once you have had chicken pox, you can not develop it again. However, if you have not had chicken pox by the time you were ten, then things do not look so good. Older children and adults that develop chicken pox risk more severe complications.
As many of you know, chicken pox is a children' s disease, that only affects a small number of adults. So, because it affects children, aspirin should under no circumstances, be used in children that suffer from chicken pox. The reason is very simple, aspirin increase the risk of developing Reye' s symdrom, which is life- threatening.
It goes without saying that chicken pox rash is quite itchy and you will want to control the itching otherwise bacterial infection of the lesions could set in. Take 2 teaspoons each of marigold flowers and witch hazel leaves. Soak them overnight in one cup of water and then use the water to apply on the blisters.
Avoid contact with others during the contagious period - until the sores have turned into scabs. That means anyone with the disease should not be at work, school or day care while contagious. If other people may have been exposed to it, be sure to call and tell them to watch for spots about 2 weeks from the date of exposure.
Chicken Pox home remedy treatment can be achieved by using Baking Soda. Baking Soda is a very popular home remedy used to control the itching resulting from chicken pox. Put baking soda into a glass of water. Sponge the child with some water so that the baking soda dries onto the skin.
The best thing in this cases would be to call a doctor or a pediatrician as soon as symptoms of this viral disease appear in the young patients. For more protection it is best to administer an injection of varicella zoster immune globulin or the varicella vaccine immediately after the exposure to the threat.
This medication needs to be taken orally with a glass of water and can be taken with or without food. Some people, prescribed Acyclovir have noticed that there is a reduction in the side effects if it's taken with food; especially side effects like stomach upset, diarrhoea and nausea. Chicken pox and shingles can be effectively treated with Valtrex also.
Chicken Pox Symptoms and Treatments
By: AlnwickKajetan
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