If you want to find the cheapest auto insurance for young drivers then you are far from being alone
. When we first get our licenses we can be very eager to get behind the wheel of our own cars and show off our newly acquired skills. But the problem comes when we make enquiries to get an adequate insurance policy. It can happen that the quotes provided by the main insurance companies cost far more then the worth of our vehicles!
There are various reasons why an insurance agent does not give affordable quotes to a newly qualified driver. It is believed that due to lack of experience on the road a young driver is at greater risk of having an accident. Actually this is true. Data clearly shows that more than half of all accidents on the nation's highways can be put down to the inexperience of the driver.
So how exactly can you be given a quote that does not leave you struggling to find enough cash to take your car out for a drive? There are a number of avenues worth exploring.
First of all you should avoid the main insurance agents and companies that would normally be used by older drivers, through these you will not be able to get a good deal. Instead you should search for a broker that specialises in insurance for young drivers; the net is your best friend in this regard. Use your favorite search engine to compile a list of specialist insurers and then contact each one in turn.
Before you approach any insurer it can be worthwhile taking a few steps that should help lower the overall cost of the insurance policy by a noticeable amount. For example a young driver can often be presented with lower quotes if they can prove to the insurer that they have enough knowledge to prevent an untoward situation from arising. This can be done by attending an advanced driving school. Again use the internet to locate such an establishment in your area. If you can provide certification to the insurance agent that proves beyond doubt that you are a safe and reliable driver then the cost of the policies made available should come down considerably.
Another option would be to be added to the insurance policy of an older family member. This can bring dramatic savings but it needs to be stated that if you then have an accident the person whose policy is covering you would suffer a massive financial loss.