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Cheap flights to Mauritius |

Search flight tickets to Mauritius with best deals, offers the lowest airfare ticket booking. Call us now: 20 8396 7200…!!!!

A brief description of our professional services :

  1. Business Travel

    We understand the nuances of business travel and why it is so important. Therefore we have dedicated travel managers that understand that planning a business trip thoroughly is very important.

    So that when you arrive on your destination, you are relaxed and well prepared. You can focus on the purpose of your meeting then making your flight bookings, arranging a decent accommodation, hotel transfers and ordering your favourite meals.

  2. Family Travel

    Family Holidays is not just a holiday but an experience. Therefore, being the best travel agents in London, we have curated best of the exotic family packages. Whether it is to relax and indulge with your family and friends or set off on a trip to your favourite chill-out spot or a new adventure, we create the best of the family holiday packages. This holiday type caters to everything that you will need during vacation like your flights, transfers, accommodation, sightseeing, three meals, activities during the tour, and a guide – all under one cost.

  3. Villa Holidays

    Gone are those days of booking traditional accommodations. Now is the time to take Villa holidays that are a great choice if your are looking for peace and quiet. There are no set itineraries, freedom to come and go as you like and more, no set meal times.

    Whether you are travelling as a family or with a group of friends, they make an excellent alternative to a package holiday. They offer a different set of experience – of staying in a hotel or apartment. This is the chance to set your own pace. We have tied up with Florida & all the major European villa suppliers to give you a quick access and best rates.

  4. Group Holidays

    Holidays are a great way to catch up with the people you love and care the most. Be it your friends, family or your work friends.

    So now that you might already be thinking about that taking that long due trip or maybe already researching for your best options, we recommend you connect with us as a travel agent that specialises in booking group flights and holidays.

  5. Sporting Events

    This is for the days when you travel to a destination specifically for an event like Olympics, World Cup, Rio Carnival, or Rugby. Or, even it could be attending your favourite music event, concert or gathering. We roll out special discounted holiday deals for such sporting events around the world so that you can get the best of everything.

  6. Wedding Destinations

    We have absolutely loved working with nearly 160 plus couples planning their group travels for their dream destination wedding and believe us, everyone went back happy and satisfied.

    Whether it a destination wedding in an exotic location or group travel to attend someone’s wedding affair, we got a team of award-winning experts that help you with the planning process booking group flights for you and your guests. We were amongst 10 finalist at a recent London Wedding Awards.

  7. Honeymoon Holidays

    Honeymoon is the time for your wedding celebration and it is as important as your wedding planning. Gone are the days when we would settle for just any package. Now is the time for smart travellers who want personalised and customisable experiences designed according to their whims and fancies and would save every penny possible so as to get the best deal.

  8. School Holiday Group Travel

    We work very closely with schools and most London Boroughs in assisting their group travels in Europe, China, India, South Africa and America. Recently concluded a 40 pupil group to Sri Lanka for Barnet Council.

    Please reach us on email : if you have similar enquires.

    2020-10-14 21:17 
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