Cheap International Calls: A Calling Card Buyer's Guide

Share: Prepaid calling cards are a popular option for making cheap international calls
. Not only are the minutes relatively inexpensive, the card offers some additional benefits. Your minutes last for a long time, sometimes indefinitely, so there's no pressure to use them. And an international card gives you the flexibility to call from anywhere and to anywhere at a flat rate.
Nevertheless, buying callings cards to make cheap international calls is not without its pitfalls and disadvantages. What follows is a series of tips that will help you get the best deal possible and help you to avoid some of the most common problems with calling cards.
The advertised rate often does not include fees and surcharges. So make sure you read all of the fine print before making the purchase.
This industry is notorious for unreliable resellers. Buy a calling card for cheap international calls from a vendor with a great reputation and proven longevity.

Share: Consider purchasing your calling card online. There's more competition and thus better rates. It's also easier to verify the company's reputation and credentials.
Wherever you decide to buy, make sure they offer an online account management tool. Those advanced dialling and billing features are quite helpful.
Make sure that your card's access number is a toll-free call for you. Don't take it for granted because if it's not, those cheap international calls won't be so inexpensive.
International calling cards can have complex pricing structures, so make sure you understand precisely what you are paying per call minute and how many call minutes an action costs.
The most common cards are 1-minute and 3-minute cards. This means that when you make a call, the provider charges you at least one or three minutes. Three-minute cards provide lower rates per minute, but they don't make much sense if you make many brief calls.
Some companies sell 1-second and 6-second cards as alternatives but these are more of a marketing ploy than anything else. The increased per-minute rate offsets any benefit of them charging you by the second.
The key to saving money and making cheap international calls with calling cards is to buy in bulk. The more minutes you buy, the cheaper the rates are. If you have friends and family that use calling cards for international calls, it behoves you to pool your resources.
If you are a frequent calling card user, opt for a company with a strong loyalty or rewards program, especially those that provide "reload" bonuses. These bonuses provide increased savings over the long-term.
Prepaid calling cards are an excellent and versatile way to make cheap international calls. If you deal with a reputable company and make your purchases with purpose, there is very little risk and a great deal of savings available.
by: Sachin Kumar Airan
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