Cheap Hotels In Prague

Share: Prague is situated in central Europe which makes it a convenient location from all major European cities
. Prague has become one of Europes most visited cities. Most of the good hotels are found near the city centre and range from large international hotel chains to smaller more exclusive old-fashioned Czech hotels.
Capital of the Czech Republic, with a land mass which covers 200 sq miles, Prague is a rapidly expanding city, with a great range of historical architecture and historical monuments displaying the history of the Czech people. Prague has a population of just over one million - and recently became a member of the EU.
One can find many
cheap hotels in Prague, which has a beautiful heritage to follow. Here is a detailed overview. It is the biggest city of Czech republic with several hotels. It is also the most beautiful city with many architectural delights. There are a lot of new buildings here inter mixed with the old. The roots of this city go back to as early as the twelfth century. During this period, there was a spate of architectural development including community centers, historic monuments and bridges. The city has been listed among the world heritage sites by UNESCO. Since then, its popularity has increased day by day affecting its thriving tourism industry. The nonstop gush of tourist crowd is proving to be a boon to the city hotels.
Hotel Rates take up a significant port of our travel budget. A savvy traveler is the one who knows how to fish out the hottest discount hotel in Prague and get the best accommodation facilities at a great discount. Recent surveys show that online hotel booking paves way for better prices and better travel experiences, when it comes to discount hotels. They allow you to do comparison shopping - a facility that allows you to read hotel descriptions, check for amenities and facilities available at a certain hotel, view rooms and suites on offer, compare rates with respect to other hotels in the region, and even check out traveler reviews to judge what to expect from certain hotel. Internet travel and hotel booking websites offer different modes of payments too though most transactions are done through credit cards.

Share: Prague has a large variety of restaurants which are located mainly near the city centre. The cuisine in Prague is similar to that of central Europe, dishes contain large portions of meat, mainly beef or pork, and are served with potatoes or rice. On special occasions game is normally served as a main course. Czech beers are famous around the world, and accompany a meal very well.
Prague has only become a tourist hotspot in recent years, almost entirely thanks to cheap flights becoming available from many of the smaller airports across the UK. Originally the popularity grew from the cheap hotels and beer that were available, drawing in crowds of stag parties, but since then things have settled down and now people are coming to experience everything else it has to offer, such as the architecture, history, lifestyle and culture.
by: Asif
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