Cheap Autos To Insure
Share: Have you ever gone car shopping after having done all of your homework
? You carefully negotiate a price, and you are sure that the loan payments will fit into your budget, but then you realize your forgot to take the cost of insurance into account!
Has this been your experience? It has certainly been mine! These days, when I go car shopping, I also make sure I have figured out how much it will cost to insure that car!
The insurers figure that a sports car with a lot of power will tend to be at greater risk for generating claims. Insurers keep careful records, and they spend a lot of time analyzing their numbers. Drivers just tend to want to use the power of their sporty machines, and that is a good recipe for higher amounts of auto accidents with higher bills from damage.
Some autos are not always involved in more accidents, but are just more expensive to repair. Some vehicles require parts that are manufactured overseas, and they are not commonly stocked in the US. Average repair costs will be another calculation that goes into the statistics. You may also want to consider the expense of making repairs for your own future convenience and budget.
Share: You may find a vehicle that is very safe, but just tends to damage other vehicles in crashes. This can also be a factor in the price calculation. Obviously the amount of liability that a company takes on will affect the price they want to charge to cover it!
You may have just fallen in love with a car that people who steal cars also like for a variety of reasons. Insurance companies also cover theft, and they will charge you more if they think your purchase is a theft target.
We also know some examples of vehicles that are cheaper to cover, and sometimes the reasons are not all that obvious to us. Some insurers will give a discount for the new green hybrid vehciles. It is not so much about the vehicle, as it is about the owners. Insurers calculate that this demonstrates the behavior of a low risk and responsible driver.
Of course, the type of car you buy will not be the only thing that goes into figuring out a premium. Your own driving history, where you live, and your age go into your final rate calculation. But you are probably already familiar with this, and so the type of shiny new wheels you drive off the lot will make the big difference when you have to call your car insurance agent and tell him you have just arrived home with a great deal. Hopefully the good price you got at the lot will still look good after you see your new car insurance bill!
by: Marilyn Katz
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