Change Your Life With the 11 Forgotten Laws and Bob Proctor

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When I first saw Bob Proctor on the movie "The Secret," it tickled me the way he kissed his own hand. Though he wasn't always secure and that sure of himself, after more than 40 years being successful at these personal growth techniques and teaching people how to change their lives in a few short weeks, he's earned these accolades in my book.
He Walks the Talk
His copy of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," is from 1963. It's old, tattered and falling apart. He's been reading it since he was 26 - over and over again - when his mentor gave it to him to read back in '63. Bob was a high-school drop-out, but like he says, "It's not where you're from that counts; it's where you're going that matters."
He Reprogrammed Himself
Though he changed his life in a few short months, he really didn't know how he did it. He tells in a recent interview on the Spiritual Circle Cinema 2010 Volume No. 10 that even though he changed his life, it took him nine years to figure out how he did it.
Back in the '60s, there weren't iPods, portable CD players or any kind of MP3s available. What he found was a portable battery-operated record player and he purchased an audio record of "Think and Grow Rich" available from Earl Nightingale.
And then he listened to it.
And read the book.
And listened to it some more.
Again, again and again.
What he did was reprogrammed his own mind. By repeatedly listening and reading the same material over and over, he effectively wiped out any negative conditioning he had and replaced it with new self-conditioning.
Why the Law of Attraction Works
The law of attraction works because of where you place your focus. It really is that simple. The problem with most people is they simply don't pay attention to their focus. They're too lazy to retrain their brains - they let their mind run loose on any topic - which incidentally creates a whole host of emotions running through their bodies, emitted as feelings out to the Universe, which acts as a magnet to bring them exactly what they are thinking, emoting and feeling about.
Whew, that was a mouthful.
But it's true. That's the way it works. And the more you think those negative thoughts, the more you have those negative emotions, the more you emit those negative feelings out to the Universe, the more of it you get right back: its law.
Don't try to fake it. Don't try to "tell" the Universe you're happy when you're not. That stuff doesn't work. The Universe always responds to your vibrations - your emanations. Unless you're willing to do the work to retrain your brain, much like an athlete works to train his body in the way he needs it to go, don't even bother getting off that couch. Maybe that's why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work for you.
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