Causes and Treatments for Palmar Hyperhidrosis
Causes and Treatments for Palmar Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis is a medical disorder during which the body produces excess sweat than needed to regulate the temperature. It results in body odor caused by bacteria in areas like armpit and feet where excess sweat occurs. If Hyperhidrosis exist, one feel both physical and emotional inconvenience like he /she feels shy even to shake hands and fears to touch things as it may leave finger prints on objects. The problem is localized in face, palms, armpit and feet.
It is classified into
Primary Hyperhidrosis
On attaining adolescence, one experience excess sweat normally. It is an inherited character but in some person it is exceptional.
Secondary Hyperhidrosis
This may arise due to drug addiction, thyroid or pituitary disorders, hormonal imbalances associated with menopause or chest cavity injury.
In other words, Hyperhidrosis is categorized into general and focused. In generalized Hyperhidrosis excess sweat is experienced throughout the body but in focused it occurs in any particular area such as in armpit, hand or feet. Let us look in detail about sweaty hands termed as Palmar Hyperhidrosis in the field of medicine.
Causes for Palmar Hyperhidrosis:
Usually Sweaty Palms can be noticed on nervousness of meeting for the first time or situations like an oral competition in front of a large crowd. Similar circumstances makes palms sweat higher than usual. But Severe Palmar Hyperhidrosis is visible exactly when your hand sweats more and the sweat starts dripping from your hand frequently. Having Palmar Hyperhidrosis affects normal life in many aspects which includes social activities like shaking hand and normal activities like typing on a keyboard or writing on a paper being enough to make one feel embarrassed. This excess sweat occur due to the following reasons
1.Malfunctioning of the sympathetic nervous system located inside the chest cavity.
2.Accidental Injury occurred within chest cavity.
3.Inherited from parents but the severity may not be identical.
Treatment for Palmar Hyperhidrosis:
Our body contains more than five million sweat glands which are controlled by the Sympathetic nervous system. The malfunctioning of such a tremendous system need to be treated as earlier as possible to regulate the body temperature.
1.Drinking water excess could help body to stop loss of water due to excess sweat.
2.Acupuncture, an old Chinese method is implemented in certain energy points of body to control the sweat glands. It is a traditional method cultivated worldwide to treat palmar Hyperhidrosis.
3.Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride in the form of lotions, cream or powder such as Drysol is rubbed against hands for instant revival.
4.Surgeries like Thoracic Sympathectomy can be conducted in the sweaty palms. The practice varies depending on medical history and underlying pathology.
5.Iontophoresis, a method involving electrotherapeutic measures to control the over activity of sweat glands. It is a treatment where a minute electric charge is used to deliver medicine through the skin.
6.Stress management and counseling could to some extent help recovery of sweaty hands.
Over the fifty years, Hyperhidrosis has been treated and cured worldwide in diverse technique of treatments. Moreover 3% of total world population suffer from this particular disease. If you were the one among the 3%, then it's time to take abrupt action to control this particular syndrome and lead a happy content life.
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