» Auto Insurance » Catering to Women Customers in Auto Services is Paramount
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Catering to Women Customers in Auto Services is Paramount

Catering to Women Customers in Auto Services is Paramount

Catering to Women Customers in Auto Services is Paramount

In the auto services sector there are generally more customers who are women, than there are men. This is because men will typically do some of the auto repairs and preventive maintenance on their cars themselves, whereas women might have someone else, such as an auto shop complete those services for them. Okay so, let's discuss all this and offer a few tips to assist you inmaking your female customers happy.

Even women who have men around the house will sometimes have a man take their car to the auto shop for them. Still, even with then there are still more women customers by about 15%. Needless to say customer service in the auto services industry is about pleasing your customers who are women and when they fill out reader service cards or customer service surveys you need to listen to what they say.

As it turns out women customers would like to see more women at the facility and not a bunch of guys gawking at them. Well some women like that, but most get annoyed. Women would also like to see clean bathrooms and a clean waiting area and they do not like to see trash around the facility or around the landscaping.

Additionally women customers do not wish to be over-sold or treated in a condescending manner, it might be easier to up-sell them, but they don't like it. Women do not like greasy fingerprints on their car when you are done, and they find this completely offensive. Your women customers would like to have some women's type magazines in the waiting area and not ones, which are two years old.

Finally, let me say that your female customers also like to have an awards program, rewards program, or a discount if they are regular patrons. Please trust me when I tell you that all these things are comments, are things which I have read on our own customer surveys for our auto detailing shops. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns on this topic, feel free to contact me. This is an important concern in the auto industry. Please consider all this and think on it.
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Catering to Women Customers in Auto Services is Paramount