Cash before Payday - Monetary Assistance before Your Payday
Are your pending bills piling up and increasing considerably
? Pay them off with your salary. Is your next payday is far away? You need funds before your payday otherwise you will have huge debts surrounding you. Apply for Cash before payday. As the name suggests you get quick monetary assistance before your payday.
The funds you borrow are of great help that will help you pay off your car repair bills, grocery bills, or if you have guests coming over, then to cover up the expenses that are incurred, for your telephone charges and electricity bills, when you want to go for a holiday and so on.
Cash before payday grants you finance form 80 to 1500. The repayment period is a month i.e. 1- 30 days. So you have a lot of time to repay this advance. You can repay the funds with your next payday.
However incase you cannot repay the finance amount you can ask the lender to extend this period. The lender will do so but you will have to pay him a penalty fee for it.
The application is procedure is not at all time consuming. It does not involve heavy documentation either. You should only be true in the information you submit. The finance amount is transferred to your account within 24 hours itself. These funds can be used by you whenever you want. But you have to repay them on time.
Eligibility conditions:
Attain citizenship of UK
You must be at least18 years
Possess a valid checking bank account
Possess employment with a minimum salary of at least 1000.
In addition you have another mode of application that is the online medium. It is a very easy and beneficial way to attain advance. It involves simple procedures, no documentation; no hassles of long queues, easy finance, increased options and you can get them at cheaper interest rates also.
Cash before Payday - Monetary Assistance before Your Payday