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Carpenter Ant Treatments You Can Undertake Before An Infestation Arises

Carpenter Ant Treatments You Can Undertake Before An Infestation Arises

Carpenter ant treatments are a dime a dozen these days and finding one that suits your needs is often more trouble that it is worth but you can save yourself this hassle bay taking the time to form your own carpenter ant treatments to use before they even begin to appear to attack your home. Carpenter ants will nest in wooden structures like window frames, roof trusses and wall panels but it should be noted that more often than not a colony will only start in moist or rotten wood. You could possibly find these around the bath tub, leaky chimneys or where your house makes contact with soil. They may eventually move into perfectly healthy wood but by maintaining the overall health of the wood in your home you will be enforcing the best carpenter ant treatments there are; preventative measures. Carpenter ant treatments really are as simple as just checking the house for any signs of weakness you may have. If your home is structural sound inside but you find ants anyway you should take a wonder around the surrounding area outside to see if there is any potential for the ants to build colonies there. Rotting tree stumps and old fire wood are favorites as the constant exposure to moisture makes the wood easy to build nests in. If you do find damage to the wood in your home it would be best to call a carpenter to come and replace or repair the damage. Often times the problem can be prevented before any real damage is done. Treatments are also available that have been designed to help avoid an infestation rather than removing an existing colony. These carpenter ant treatments will usually be applied to the outside of your house to help prevent the ants form entering in the first place. Added to this you can buy bait traps to stop foraging ants form entering the home and wreaking havoc inside. If you have done all that you can to prevent it and you still end up with an infestation in your home you not only have some very persistent ants but also a lot of options to help you clear your home of them. Carpenter ant treatments for home use will be widely available through local retailers and by following some simple guidelines you should be able to kill off an infestation before it grows out of control.
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Carpenter Ant Treatments You Can Undertake Before An Infestation Arises