Carpal Tunnel Pain Treatment By Pittsburgh Chiropractor.
Pittsburgh Chiropractor utilizes Noninvasive, Non-surgical approach to treat wrist pain.
One of the most common work injuries, according to NIOSH (National Industrial Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is carpal tunnel wrist problems. Many factors can trigger wrist pain, including repetitive or cumulative stress and trauma, poor design of workplace, typing on computers, typewriters, or conventional keyboards, or any excessive tension put on the neck, shoulder, arm or hand, including frequent wrist bending.
The typical conventional medical approach is splinting of the wrists in an attempt to immobilize the wrist joint, which sometimes may give relief, followed by recommendation of surgery, which unfortunately changes the problem from temporary to permanent, by creating permanent instability in the wrist area. Often the pain persists afterwards. In fact, it is estimated that up to 95% of carpal tunnel surgeries fail, because in time the symptoms return or even become worse. It is curious that in Europe this surgery is only rarely performed.
I have found that quite commonly the reason that surgery doesnt eliminate the pain and numbness is because the wrist is merely the site of the symptom but not the site of the cause of the problem. Wrist and hand problems can originate at five major places in the body: the neck, the throat, the shoulder/chest area, the arm/forearm, and lastly the wrist. This quintuple crush possibility is usually ignored by most doctors. The nerves can be and often are squeezed at multiple locations other than the wrist, and all areas of causative involvement must be addressed and treated for complete success, or the pain and numbness will not be eliminated.
Our approach at Wellness Associates USA is comprehensive as well as conservative. We utilize safe, noninvasive, non-surgical, non-drug approaches, including chiropractic adjustments, deep tissue trigger point muscle therapy, and nutrition to effectively treat arm, hand, and wrist problems. We have had great success in helping sufferers of hand and wrist numbness and pain, carpal tunnel, trigger fingers and Dupuytrens Contractures without resorting to drugs or surgery. Before submitting to irreversible and potentially permanently damaging surgery, you should realize that surgery treats the site of the symptom, but not the site of the cause, and that we have helped hundreds overcome these symptoms by correcting the underlying reasons for the symptoms.
by: Dr. Eugene Goldberg
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Carpal Tunnel Pain Treatment By Pittsburgh Chiropractor. Mountain View