Caring For African Woodcarvings And African Fabrics

Share: Learn how to care for your African Fabrics and African Wood carvings
. Doing this will make them last for years to come.
Care of Kuba cloth:
Kuba cloth is made from raffia, sometimes called grass cloth. It is not recommended Kuba cloth be dry cleaned unless it is taken to a high quality cleaner who specializes in antique and fine fabrics. is made from raffia, sometimes called grass cloth. It is not recommended Kuba cloth be dry cleaned unless it is taken to a high quality cleaner who specializes in antique and fine fabrics.
Before cleaning test a small place using a mild detergent solution on a clean cloth. Very gently rub the cloth to check for any color change etc. Once this is done you may proceed with washing the fabric. Machine washing is not recommended. Fill a basin with cool water and a mild detergent. Place the fabric in the water and soak for a few minutes then swish in the water a few times. Any scrubbing must be very gentle and from the wrong side of the fabric.

Share: Rinse the fabric in cool water and pat with a clean towel or cloth to remove excess moisture. Lay flat to dry, you can use weights to block the fabric. If you need to iron the fabric use a pressing cloth and work from the wrong side. Do not use a hot iron and do not leave the iron in one place. Holding the iron a few inches away from the fabric using the steam feature can also steam the fabric.
Store Kuba cloth either rolled, flat, or folded very gently and not stacked.
Caring for Mudcloth:
Mudcloth should be pre-washed if it is to be used in crafts or sewing to remove excess dirt and dye. It will also become more soft and smoother to the touch with washing.
It is always wise to test a swatch or small piece of any fabric to make sure the cleaning method and detergent is compatible with the fabric. Mud cloth can be cleaned with good results by a dry cleaner, machine washing or by hand washing. Be aware some dry cleaners will not clean hand made fabrics. If machine washing, place fabric in a lingerie bag and wash in cold water using the gentle cycle and a mild laundry detergent. The water will turn dark therefore at least initially the fabric should be washed by itself. You may have to rinse the machine before laundering other clothing. On initial cleaning by any method there may be some fading. Dry flat or hang dry. Mudcloth can also be pressed using a steam iron with good results.
George Fabric:
George Fabric is a beautiful and unique fabric, which must be handled carefully to maintain its look. Because of the design of the fabric each garment made from it will have it's own style. Cover George fabric garments with a plastic bag to protect them from snagging and avoid displaying them in an area where they will be handled excessively. George fabric must be dry-cleaned.

Share: Care of Wood Products:
All fine wood products need moisture and in the dry climate of a home or business will become dried out and may crack. To prevent or reduce the chance of damage it is best to polish wood items at least once a month with a high quality wood polish. Spray on polishes are not effective as they are used mostly for removing dust from finished wood and do not add adequate moisture. Africans will often use matching shoe polish, which not only adds moisture but sheen to woods such as ebony or mahogany.
Rub the polish in using a clean cloth or shoe brush then buff with a clean soft cloth.
by: wayne kiltz
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