Caravan Insurance - Points To Ponder

Share: As you've no doubt noticed, caravans are immensely popular in the UK
, particularly during the summer months when hundreds and hundreds of families from around the country head away to go and enjoy some quality time in the great outdoors.
For some people, it's just a matter of finding a nice camping site where they can spend a few days with their families. Others are more adventurous and end up touring all over the country, clocking up thousands of miles as they take in all the sights.When you consider just how much enjoyment you can get out of a caravan, it would only seem logical to make sure it's adequately insured, and yet that's not always the case.
Of course this is largely due to the fact that it's not mandatory, although you still need to make sure you're legally entitled to tow a caravan before you actually do so. Even though caravan insurance isn't compulsory, it's certainly advisable. After all, nobody can say for sure whether their caravan will get stolen, and neither can you be sure you won't be involved in an accident.
One very important thing to bear in mind is the fact that while several companies can offer you cheap insurance, the actual provisions included in the different policies can vary tremendously. For this reason, you should be certain you understand all the various clauses of a policy before you accept it. At the end of the day, it's all about having quality cover. In other words, you need to know you're fully protected against all eventualities. If your caravan gets damaged beyond repair, will you be happy with compensation based on the market value, or would you rather know you'll be given a brand new caravan instead?

Share: The contents of your caravan are something else you should be thinking about when shopping for caravan insurance. After all, the average caravan nowadays is comparable to a 5-star hotel room. If your caravan ever gets broken into or stolen, you want to know you'll be reimbursed enough so as to be able to replace everything which got taken.

Share: Something that many people don't realise is that hundreds, if not thousands, of caravans get stolen in the UK every year. In the past, caravan theft was generally considered to be an opportunistic crime, but nowadays however, things have changed, and caravan thefts can often be traced back to highly organised gangs. This also explains why only a small percentage of stolen caravans are ever recovered. Another alarming fact is that approximately 80% of caravans that get stolen actually get stolen from the owners' properties.
Even though caravans pose a high risk to insurance companies in terms of theft and accident damage, it is still extremely easy to find affordable cover, especially if you're able to meet certain criteria. Also, if you only use your caravan a few times each year, then you'll already stand to save a considerable amount of money, and the same applies if you only intend using it within the UK.
While everyone has their own ideas, shopping for caravan insurance online is without a doubt the best option nowadays. Not only can you do so from the comfort of your own home, but you'll also automatically qualify for special discounts if you sign-up online. In fact, many people tend to take advantage of insurance comparison websites, in that it's the quickest way to get a number of quotes from a wide range of companies. Once you have all the quotes on hand, you can go ahead and compare them to each other, but remember; it's not always wise to go with the cheapest one you come across.
by: Tom Jones
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