It is now less than 2 months till Christmas and the excitement is growing rapidly with people everywhere. People will have to start thinking about getting Christmas presents for friends and family and getting in the festive mood. But there is one group of people who get their Christmas early when people are busy with their festive plans, and that is car thieves. Car crime has always seen a rise over this time of year with older cars being the main target.
With the Christmassy time of year comes a lot of stress for families. People find they just have too much to do with not enough time to do it in. Buying gifts is also stressful for people and they simply can't keep up with the pressure they are being presented with. As people's thoughts are elsewhere simple things like locking the car can slip their minds and car thieves are very aware of this.
For example when out shopping people may load up their cars with all last minute items and gifts then go back for more or to return a trolley, this is when they are most likely to forget to lock their car. This allows thieves to easily get in your car and take what they want and if they do this in a subtle way, no one around will raise alarm. Last year there were also cases where drivers had simply left their keys in the ignition whilst going shopping so this made is very easy for the thieves to get in to the car and drive off without any trouble or difficulties. It seems like a daft thing to do but it has happened! We all know that by leaving valuables out on show you are tempting a thief to break in to your car and take them but during the festive period you need to be extra careful not to do this. Share:
Not only do car thieves operate around parked cars on the streets and in car parks but they are now hanging around peoples drive ways on early mornings. This time of year also brings frosty weather, cold temperatures and motorists leaving their engines running while they defrost their car. Just when the owner goes back into their house to get warm or finishing getting ready the thief is away with their car before anyone has even noticed. You should never just assume that your car will be ok as it's on your own drive and never leave your keys in the engine.
To ensure your car is secure and not targeted by car thieves make sure you park it in a well lit and security patrolled area and ensure that all goods are firmly locked away or hidden well. Don't take the risk and make sure your Christmas is as stress free as possible.
If you are looking for car finance to fund the purchase of your new car then make sure you do your research to find the best deals on car credit and more.