Car Rental For Convenience

Share: It doesn't matter whether you are planning a holiday or a business trip
, at some stage you will have to choose a way of getting around while you are there that will be both economical and worry free. The last thing you need is to be concerned about making that meeting on time or the show before it starts. Some travellers are excellent at time management and public transport works for them. However, for most of us waiting at a bus or ferry stop in the rain with luggage and family is not our idea of having fun. If you are in the second group then car hire is going to be your best option and it is easy these days to arrange a vehicle before you arrive at your destination by getting the best deal online.
Early bookings will ensure that you get the cheapest rate. Car rental companies like to have prior bookings and will offer better deals for clients who book in advance. Arriving at an airport without a rental car booked could see you paying top dollar and there is always the chance that there will be no cars available, especially during peak season. If vehicles are in short supply the companies will up the daily rate at the counter and you will have no bargaining power. You will be more likely to get an upgrade if you have a prior booking, so always ask, the worst thing that can happen is they will say sorry, we are unable to do that at this time. Online bookings give you the opportunity to view the extras that the hire company offers,so be sure to view these options carefully. You do not have to accept them online but it will be easier when collecting you hire car if at the desk you know what you want. Insurance and excess reduction seems to be the biggest concern to most travellers and it is sometimes difficult to understand the options. Be sure to read the terms and conditions online as this will explain the rules clearly. If you are still unsure ask the representative to explain them. Do Not be bullied into taking added insurance if you don't feel it necessary, however be sure you understand the consequences.
Over the years Car Rental has been given a bad name with shonky operators ripping clients off. These days the industry is heavily regulated and provided you are mindful of exactly what you want, there should be no problems. Sometimes clients get upset with options they say they have not been told about. They must have when it comes down to it. The client accepted the option, signed a contract that they should have read, then complained that they were ripped off. The moral to this story is read the contact and know what you want - easy. With all the competition these days, Car Hire can be very comparable to public transport or taxi fares, not to mention the flexibility having your own wheels gives you. Many big cities have great public transport systems but will up the prices for travelling during peak times and let's face it, do you want to be confined to travelling just in the middle of the day?
Unless you are travelling to a remote location such as Darwin or Alice Springs, where most companies restrict the free kilometres usage to about 200 kilometres daily, you will receive unlimited free kilometre usage. In those remote locations, after the allotted kilometre usage, you will pay an additional fee of around 20 - 30 cents per kilometre. So that you don't have any worries make sure that when the car rental representative checks the vehicle out with you, you do it thoroughly. If there is lots of damage to the vehicle, take a picture of the damage so that on the return of the vehicle it is clearly understood that you were not responsible for that damage. Remember, you may not get the same representative on your return. If you are not travelling with a camera, you mobile phone most likely has a picture function.

Share: Car Hire will cost you some money but hiring a car does not have to be difficult. Know what you need and want - book online before travelling and the whole experience will be worth it. For the business traveller the freedom of car hire is without a doubt the best way to get around and for the holiday maker, Fun is the objective and waiting at the bus stop in the rain or beating sun just isn't any fun at all.
If you want a website that will assist you with finding the best deal for your next business or holiday trip, visit This site is a comparative site that will check the available vehicles at the location of your choice from all the national companies. It will list the vehicles in price order from the cheapest to the most expensive - make sure you check down the page, often you can find bargains. The terms and conditions of hiring from all suppliers are available for you to read, so there will be no surprises and the most important thing is that the Total Price is advertised. Safe Travels.
by: Teresa Burrows
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