If you want to have car insurance and you don't want to pay large down payment, then you must be trying to search out the policy in which you don't have to pay down payment. Now the question that will arise in your mind is that are these types of policies real if yes then how can we find these types of policies. But car insurance policies with no down payment are hardly available. As the insurance policies are also like contracts there must be considerations that is payment are to be paid just like payments are made in contracts, so insurance companies are most of the times not ready to provide coverage without any down payment.
Some of the companies use to issue binder for the purpose of insurance coverage. A binder can be understood as a process in which your policy seems to be in action and your vehicle is covered, so that the down payment has to be paid in short interval of time which is the period of binder. If the down payment is not paid in this period then it appears that the policy has never existed and any accident that would have occurred in this period would not be covered.
As it is a difficult task to find car insurance no down payment, so people generally emphasize on finding the policies in which they have to pay very less down payment. You can even search for companies that allow its customers to make payment by monthly premiums; many companies would let you start with the insurance policy just by paying the first month's installment. So for a majority of people it becomes easier to pay monthly premiums then paying the entire amount just in one time.