Car Insurance Is Essential!

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Car Insurance Is Essential!
When you start thinking about insurance, car insurance is probably one of the most important types of insurance that comes to mind. Even though we complain each month when our premiums are deducted from our bank accounts, we are fully aware of the fact that it simply is one of those things that you cannot afford to be without!
Our current public transport is not quite what you would call up to standard! You can't really take a quick train ride to work or hop on a bus if you want to go shopping. Sure, as long as the train driver is not on strike, the train might get you safely from point A to point B, but how do you now get from point B to point C (your office)? It's not safe to walk or to take a taxi. So in this country, that would leave you stranded! And what if you are a sales executive or other business professional - how will you get to your meetings and back?

Share: Owning and driving a car is therefore as much part of our daily existence as bread and water. It is practically inescapable. How else would we get to work and back, go grocery shopping, take the kids to school and to play dates? What will we do in the case of a medical emergency? Wait for an ambulance? That might take forever! It does not matter where you need to go, it is almost impossible to go anywhere without your own car!
As with other insurance, car insurance is not free! If you park a sporty, expensive model in your driveway each day, it is important to make sure that you will be properly covered in case of an accident. Some drivers think they are the next formula one racing champions, while other drivers have this annoying habit of applying their make up in the rearview mirror. You share the roads with these lunatics, and just because you are a safe and vigilant driver on the road, you cannot expect the same from these individuals. Add to that badly maintained, congested roads and you have the perfect recipe for an accident!
The best route to follow when your car is quite new, quite expensive or still belongs to the bank, is to take out a fully comprehensive policy that will cover all your cost in the case of an accident. The bank does not care if your car is a write-off, if you owe them money for your car you still need to pay it back. Quite a waste of money if you have nothing to show for it. If only your car insurance was taken care of.
If you don't care much about your car and are expecting (and possibly hoping!) it to only last a couple more kilometers, you are probably thinking that you'd be wasting your money on insurance. On the one hand you'd be right as you can't really care less about what happens to your car, but what if you actually cause the accident? All damages and injuries to the other party will be for your account! In this situation, third party insurance would be adequate. You can finally go park your dilapidated piece of metal on the scrap heap and claim from your third party policy to cover the cost of repairs to the fairly new car you bumped into!
Insurance, car or any other type, is very important! Pay your monthly premiums, you'll be thankful that you did in case of an accident or emergency.
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