Car Hire: The Truth

Share: These days it seems like people are panicked when making car hire reservations; worried
because it is rumored that car rental agencies are cutting back their fleets and raising their prices. Many people feel that it is impossible to get a good deal on your vehicle rental and this is creating a lot of false statements about car rentals.
-YOU WILL ALWAYS GET THE BEST DEAL ON YOUR CAR RENTAL ONLINE. This is absolutely false. Many times you will receive a discount for renting online and if you have an online coupon code, this may be true. However, calling around to individual locations is usually a better way to save yourself a few dollars.
-THERE ARE NO DISCOUNTS OR COUPONS ANYMORE. Again, false. There are still many discounts and coupons that you can obtain online that can save you a lot of money. Sure the rates have gone up some, but this doesn't mean that you can't get a reasonable rate on your next car hire.
-COMPANIES ARE PRICE FIXING SO THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOP AROUND. Completely incorrect. Although when shopping around you may find that some companies are offering rates to one another, there are many companies who want your business and have their rates lower than other companies.
-IF THE BASE RATE IS THE SAME THAN THE AMOUNT YOU PAY WILL BE ALSO. The base rate that a company charges you does not include a lot of information. Once you are quoted a base rate, you must find out what that rate includes, i.e. Number of miles per day, etc. This will allow you to find the company that is offering you the best overall rate and not just the best base rate. Also, keep in mind that taxes and other fees may be applied to this base amount and these fees can not only vary from rental agency to rental agency, but they can also be different from location to location.
by: Jason Hall
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