Car Accident Attorney: How To Choose An Accident Attorney Who Has Your Best Interest In Mind
Share: A car accident attorney "or, if you or any of your companions have been hurt" a personal
injury attorney can be a huge help if you should happen to encounter a careless driver. If you happen to have an insurance policy that covers legal fees, you are in luck. However, in these tough economic times, many people are choosing to skimp on certain kinds of insurance, so you might have to find and hire an accident attorney on an ad hoc basis.
Either way (whether or not you have insurance), you should have some choice as to whom your attorney is. Here are some ways to get a suitable car accident attorney in Portland, or wherever you happen to live. However, if you do live in Portland, a car accident attorney is quite important given the relatively high number of mishaps in large parts of the city.
You might start by tracing down some paperwork. Once you find an attorney you might be interested in, check their reputation/record with an authority like the Oregon Bar Association. Do they have any major complaints lodged against them? Is there evidence that they might be engaging in unethical practices that could not only sink the case but get the client in serious trouble? A trusted source like the Bar Association could be a great resource for you. After all, it is possible for a sub-par attorney to display seemingly impressive paperwork or credentials in his/her own office. Go to a more unbiased entity. They might also be able to point you in the direction of better lawyers than the ones you were considering.
Evidence from somewhat more "unofficial" sources is important, too. Hunt down some client references/testimonials to see whether these attorneys are effective and easy to work with. Do check the legitimacy of these testimonials, which may not be written by real clients. The best sort of testimonial is one given to you in person by someone you know. Of course, these are ideal conditions, so in real life you will have to choose those that fit it best.
Share: Finally, check on their fee-related policies. Do they offer "pay no fees until you collect"? If so, that's great. Whoever handles your case will have extra incentive to perform well. If not, then be wary lest they be wasting your time, since they will be able to make money without doing their best to help you. Do they offer a Free Consultation? Better yet. This means that they have enough confidence in their abilities to give you a "free sample" and trust you to return.
by: Thomas Getch
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Car Accident Attorney: How To Choose An Accident Attorney Who Has Your Best Interest In Mind