Capture Your Riches as an Entrepreneur by:Nicole Matoushek MPH, PT

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Guarantee your Success
So you are or are seeking to become an entrepreneur. Did you know that according to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" that 90% of all new businesses fail within the first five years? Additionally, statistics show that 90% of that 10% that survived the first five years fail before they reach ten? So how do you guarantee yourself that you are part of that 1% of all businesses that succeed after 10 years? You can do it. Anyone can, success and becoming wealthy comes down to a science, a science with a predictable outcome. Those who succeed and become wealthy know something. They understand something. They know the Secret Science to Getting Rich. You can learn it too and guarantee that you are in the elite 1% group, read on to learn how.
Secret Science to Getting Rich
Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? It is a book and movie that have transformed the lives of many. The Secret teaches how to change your life experience by changing your thoughts. These concepts were used by some of the most successful, influential and wealthy people in history. It appears as if these successful people knew something, they knew the Science of Getting Rich and how to apply the Law of Attration.
The central theme of the Secret is a philosophy called "the Law of Attraction". In fact, the movie itself was inspired by this very same law when the producer read a book called "the Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. This book was written in 1910, little did Wattles know how he would impact the thinking of the world nearly 100 years later. The law of attraction states that we create our reality, both good and bad based on what we think about and focus on. Following on the success of the Secret, several of the core teachers - namely Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have collaborated to produce a wealth building program called "the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar". This program is based on the book that inspired the movie and is set to make history as the fastest selling personal development program in history. This is best value success program in the marketplace today.
What is the Science of Getting Rich program about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law, like gravity or polarity, that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any individual who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth. This knowledge is important for any entrepreneur who is seeking success, wealth, freedom and the life of their dreams. Learn it, study it and practice it. Make it your core belief system.
The success of this program is built on several rock solid foundations. These factors include: the phenomenal success of "the Secret", the timeless concepts from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, the credibility of successful personal improvement teachers, and the Internet as the distribution medium. Learn, study and master the Secret Science to Getting Rich, to build your business and you will find success and you will get rich. When you learn this science, study it and practice it, you cannot fail, you guarantee your success, professionally as an entrepreneur and financially. Learn how to apply this science, to build your business and guarantee that you attract success and wealth. When you do this, you will find your self in the top 1% of all businesses, you will have a 10 year anniversary party!
About the author
Nicole Matoushek, MPH, PT has 15 years of experience in clinical managed care and disability management. She is founder of She has authored two books "Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment" and "365 Days of Abundant Hope" both available on She is inspired by Nicole is passionately dedicated to helping others succeed in obtaining abundant health, wealth and a fuller life!
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