Can you Grow Taller and Prevent back injury with Tai Chi?

Share: Can you Grow Taller and Prevent back injury with Tai Chi
Balance yourself with tai chi
One sophisticated and enjoyable method to improve balance is an ancient form of exercise called tai chi (TIE-chee). Originally developed in China, tai chi involves slow, gentle, dance-tike movements that relax and strengthen muscles and joints.
Research indicates that tai chi can prevent falls in older adults by improving strength and balance. In one large study, those who practiced tai chi reduced their risk of falls by about 47 percent.

Share: You'll find tai chi classes offered in cities throughout the United States. To locate a class in your community, contact your local senior center, YMCA or health club.
Use corsets with caution
You can buy back braces and corsets over-the-counter or by prescription for about $35. Most full-service pharmacies and medical supply stores stock them.
Worn properly, braces and corsets relieve strain. They can also provide warmth, comfort and support to your back.
Unfortunately, braces and corsets that provide adequate support may also have stiff stays and uncomfortable shoulder straps. Another drawback: Because support comes from the corset rather than your own muscles, a corset may actually weaken your back muscles. This can happen if you wear corsets for long periods of time.
Most experts recommend using braces and corsets for short periods or only during back-straining activities.
At work, some people wear a lightweight, wide elastic or Lycra mesh belt around the lower back and across the abdomen. These specially designed supports compress the abdomen and provide additional support to the spine.
To use them effectively:
Wear the belt only when you have to lift not for your whole shift.
Adjust the belt so that the top is at your belly button. The biggest mistake people make is to wear the belts at their waist, over their midsection and too high.
Tip: Move it down.
Adjust the suspenders over your shoulders, but remember they are there only to keep the belt in place if you unfasten it.
Attend a back safety program to learn how to lift. Don't attempt to lift or move anything heavier than you might without the belt.
When the Velcro wears out or the mesh tears, get a new belt. Lycra mesh belts may last several months with daily use.
To stay in charge of your health, prevent common sources of back pain.
In many cases, you can manage back problems long before they turn into conditions that call for medical treatment. This booklet explains several important prevention strategies in detail, including:
Good posture
Smart lifting
Ways to prevent falls
Also keep these three ideas in mind:
1. Reduce stress.
Stress produces physical symptoms including back pain, headaches, constipation, high blood pressure, insomnia, frequent illness and more. On a psychological level, stress can surface in many ways. Examples are anxiety, sadness, irritability, racing thoughts and feelings of hopelessness.
To prevent these symptoms, learn to reduce stress. Begin with these strategies:
Relax. Techniques such as guided imagery, meditation, muscle relaxation and deep breathing can help you relax. So can regular massage.
Seek emotional support. When you feel stressed, talk with a trusted friend. Doing so helps you gain perspective and plan effective action.
Simplify your life. Focus on the people and projects most important to you. Say no to lower-priority commitments that will send your schedule into overdrive.
Break large tasks down into smaller steps. Then focus your attention on accomplishing the small steps, one at a time.
2. Sleep well.
We live in a sleep-deprived culture. Some people even boast about how little they sleep. However, back pain makes it essential for you to get enough rest. Sleep as many hours as you need, not as many as you think you should. Consider taking 20- to 30-minute naps during the afternoon. But avoid naps if they interfere with night sleep.

Share: 3. Schedule regular medical exams.
In general, you should get a complete physical twice in your 20s, three times in your 30s, four times in your 40s, five times in your 50s, and annually after that. If you feel back pain especially when it lasts more than 6 weeks make sure to tell your doctor.
Doctors can detect some sources of back pain and treat them in early stages. Sometimes new technology makes this possible. For example, bone sonometers assess the risk for osteoporosis in about 1 minute. These devices use high-frequency sound waves to measure bone density in the foot.
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