Can You Cure Cancer With A Cup Of Tea?
Tea. It's one of the most popular drinks in the world. It's a great way to start
a morning. It's a better excuse for a snack in the afternoon. It's the perfect end to a lovely meal and an ideal companion on a cold and frosty night. Tea is so chock full of goodness that it can improve our lives and our health in every imaginable way. But is tea really powerful enough to cure cancer?
To be honest, any claim that tea can cure cancer might be a stretch of the truth. Diet alone can rarely - if ever - be seen as a cure for any major disease. However, when it comes to preventing cancer, tea has been the focus of a significant amount of research in which the findings have been jaw-dropping. By drinking a few cups of tea a day, you don't just slightly improve your chances of preventing cancer - in some cases, you can drop your risk factor by over 50%!
The current popularity of tea, as well as its growing reputation as a verifiable super food, all stems from a massive long-term study of tea drinkers in Japan. Researchers followed over 120,000 people for more than twenty years, recorded the amount of tea each person consumed on average per day, and measured their tendency towards terminal disease. At the end of the study, the statistics suggested that people who drank several cups of tea a day were more than 20% less likely to die from any major disease.
Since then, tea has been closely examined for its effectiveness in treating and preventing just about every major disease - cancer included. The findings regarding tea consumption and cancer risk have been astounding. Multiple studies have revealed that regular tea drinkers are more than 30% less likely to develop digestive and pancreatic cancers, more than 40% less likely to develop colon and skin cancers, and most astoundingly of all, 60% less likely to develop rectal and urinary tract cancers!
Although researchers aren't exactly clear on why tea is so effective, most agree that most of its benefits come from potent concentrations of anti-oxidants. Whether green or black or red, tea contains a variety of powerful polyphenols known as catechins. When introduced into the body, these catechins interact with other enzymes and proteins to prevent cellular deterioration and to help ward off excessive cellular reproduction - the primary mechanisms behind cancer.
Even in cases where pre-cancerous cells are already in place - such as pre-cancerous lung cells in smokers, or pre-cancerous mouth cells in tobacco chewers - studies have conclusively demonstrated that tea can prevent these cells from ever developing into full blown cancer. In some cases, tea can cause pre-cancerous lesions to shrink or even disappear entirely!
Regardless of your tea of choice, experts agree that drinking three to five cups a day will ensure that you receive the maximum benefit. You can further enhance the effectiveness of your tea by adding a slice of lemon, as citric acid greatly improves the amount of anti-oxidants your body can absorb. So the next time you're looking for a little pick-me-up, go out and grab a cup of tea. Just be sure to raise a toast to your health when you drink!
by: EeLynn Lee
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