Can Efoods Global Enable You To Earn Revenue?

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Many people believe food to be the most essential virtual currency available in the world. eFoods Global, a new network marketing start up, plans to assist people to develop strategies to become more self sustaining with relation to both food and money.
Officially incepted since October 2010, and a sister company of eFoods Direct (a renowned 25 year veteran of the reserve foods market), eFoods Global is based in Midvale, Utah. They maintain a manufacturing and packaging facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Due to the current global financial depression, many family have begun turning to freeze dried food reserves. A food store has become an attractive and settling beacon in an otherwise uncertain future.
Gold and precious metals have enjoyed a surge, with investors flocking to protect themselves in the event of a long term economic downturn. Food reserves may also prove to be a wise 'investment' for families.
Dehydrated food stores will find use in many eventualities, during which many stock up on necessities as access to a store may be limited or nonexistent; The loss of employment Hurricanes Earthquakes Long term power outages Effective time management and increased convenience Budgeting - buy in anticipation and use as required Health food - additive, MSG and pesticide free
To this end, eFoods Global is catering for all requirements. Please find below a snapshot of the goods they offer; Breakfast: pancakes, apple cinnamon oatmeal and almond granola; Breads: whole wheat, buttermilk biscuits, corn bread muffins; Soups: corn chowder, cheddar broccoli, creamy potato, chicken noodle; Entrees: chicken and rice casserole, beef stroganoff and chili
eFoods Global uses a innovative packaging process which guarantees a maximum shelf life. In addition to this, all packages are complimented with a date stamp, and standard nutritional information stamp.
eFoods Global distributors will, in addition to having access to high quality food, find that they can increase their revenue streams by introducing the products to others. Compensation is provided as a binary payment plan, which comprises three streams: team commissions rewarded for both personal purchases and customer sales, and weekly matching bonuses and Essential Life Codes.
This scheme has proven attractive to distributors, as the company press releases reveal, as at least 100 new IBO's (distributors) have registered EVERY DAY during the course of the 8-week prelaunch. In addition, sales have exceeds half a million dollars. At this rate, eFoods Global will exceed one million dollars in sales revenue during the first thirty day period, a remarkable statistic by any standards.
A distributor may enroll on the company's website -
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