Introduction To Investment Risk - Credit, Market And Portfolio - Webinar By Globalcompliancepanel
Overview: This three hour overview of investment risk will provide the fundamentals to market
, portfolio, and credit risk management that all investors, and those in financial services need to comprehend.
Regardless of job titles, investment risk management is a shared responsibility by a wide range of managers. Compared to accounting, risk is an immature discipline with a variety of risk frameworks competing to dominate. Based on the new Wiley and Sons book, Essentials of Risk Management, (January 2010), this webinar is designed to provide an introduction to an area and discipline that is changing rapidly, especially in the light of the risk management failures that have shattered so many personal and professional.
Why you should attend: To avoid repeating the painful failures in risk management that occurred during the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009 (also known as the great recession), it is essential for today's business, IT, risk, compliance, and audit managers to understand the big picture of risk management to accept that risk management goes along with every position in business, technology, accounting, and finance. This is also true for many managers in the not-for-profit and government sectors. This three hour webinar is designed to provide an introduction to financial risk management including the major frameworks and standards in use today.
Areas Covered in the Session:
PART ONE - Market Risk
After attending this session, you will be able to:
* Differentiate between Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques
* Apply Three Approaches to Value at Risk (VaR)
* Understand the Limitations of VaR
* Prepare for Black Swans
PART TWO - Volatility, Risk Aversion, and Portfolio Management
After attending this session, you will be able to:
* Calculate Volatility
* Understand the Relationship Between Utility and Risk Aversion
* Apply the Processes and Tools of Portfolio Management
* Appreciate the limitations of Alpha, Beta, and related tools
* Avoid the Landmines of Portfolio Management
* Differentiate the Major Types of Credit Risk
* Calculate Expected Losses
* Grasp the Pivotal Role Basel II and Basel III Plays in Global Banking
* Consider Sovereign Risk in Investment Decisions
Who will benefit:
* High Net Wealth Investors
* Accounting and Finance Managers
* Fund Managers
* Managers in all types of financial services
* Broker/Dealers
* Portfolio Managers
by: GlobalCompliancePanel
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Introduction To Investment Risk - Credit, Market And Portfolio - Webinar By Globalcompliancepanel Seattle