Can A Wood Piggy Bank Help Kids Learn Dollar Sense?
The days of the wood piggy bank seem to be diminished
. These days we have all kinds of technology and ways to make sure that our children get money. But do they really? What if going back to the plain old piggy bank is where its at?
There are many advantages to using a wood piggy bank. First, your child will actually see their money piling up. Thats a huge motivation. Kids want to fill the piggy bank to the top so they can count their money.
A wood piggy bank has the added advantage of not being breakable like the china ones. Instead, these modern money banks let you open a little plug at the bottom and the money can be removed quite easily for counting.
To get the most from your childs savings, have him or her count and wrap coins once the piggy bank is full. Then you can deposit them into a childs bank account. This is a great way to help kids see their money and then watch it grow with interest in the bank.
You should take the time to sit down and explain to kids the idea of setting financial goals. Whether they want to save up for a specific item or just hit a pre-determined dollar mark, the choice is theirs and it can be exciting to watch them work toward that goal. When they reach it, celebration is required!
A wood piggy bank is more than just a place to save money. Its also the tool that can visually help your little ones realize the value of money. Theyll see with their own eyes how it grows every time they put money in and if they are very careful not to take any out, they will be able to reach those monetary goals.