With the advancements made n the field of transportation,people have started traveling a lot more often. People travel for work and also for fun and adventure. The first car was designed and developed by Sir Henry Ford. He is the person responsible solely for making cars available in the market. In 1908, the first car was made available in the market. It was named as "Model T". It was the car to be produced at the assembly line instead of making by crafting by hands of skilled laborers. The Model T lay the stepping stone for the mass production of cars and thus is considered as the first car of the world. It was also termed as the common man's car. Since this car was developed in the assembly line, it was far more economical than other cars of its times. Today, cars are available in every part of the world. And gone are the days when cars were owned and maintained by only royal families. Today a middle class person earning a decent salary can also maintain his or her own car. Today there are several brands and models of cars available in the market. And this has made the traveling habit of ours' very much convenient and comfortable. Today people travel in planes, buses, trains, trams and cars and trucks. This has been made possible only because of the assembly lined mass production techniques used by the Sir Henry Ford to manufacture the Model T. A new kind of traveling called backpacking is becoming more prevalent these days. Theses backpackers travel mostly alone with all there luggage hanging on their shoulders. Some more rich backpackers who can afford a vehicle for their trip opt for campervans. Campervans or motor homes are simply cars designed or modified in such a way that it can easily accommodate a larger number of people along with their luggage and stuff for camping and tracking. Backpacker who want to spend a few days in the out skirts of their nations are hiring campervans. The campervan sales Sydney have increased by 14% in the last year. A report according to the survey conducted in Australia and New Zealand threw light on the number of people using or willing to use campervans for their trips to the national parks or sanctuaries. Campervan sales in Sydney have also increased because of the decline in the prices of campervans and hike in the fares for public transportation. Car for sale Sydney and car for sale Brisbane are readily available as the leading manufacturers of all brands have set their production plants in Australia. car for sale Sydney and car for sale Brisbane are also being affected by the number of people quitting the mode of public transportation. They think that the public transportation is slow and ineffective.