California Minimum Insurance Coverage
California Minimum Insurance Coverage
California Minimum Insurance Coverage
California state minimum coverage is amongst the lowest in the nation. When purchasing an auto insurance policy consumers should get quotes for many limits of coverage in order to ensure that they are protected. In the event of an accident the insurance company will only pay up to the limits that the insured had selected to have on the policy at the time of the loss.
In California, the law requires that drivers carry at least $15,000 per person bodily injury coverage, $30,000 per occurrence, and $5,000 property damage protection. Many states across the nation require a higher level of protection for their minimum liability limits. Higher limits of coverage are available on most insurance policies. The premium on the policy will increase as the limits of coverage increases. It is important that when getting auto insurance quotes that consumers check the higher limits of protection. Driver with a good driving history can usually purchase significantly higher coverage for a minimal additional cost.
An additional way for consumer to protect themselves from other driver carrying state minimum limits of coverage is to purchase uninsured motorist protection. On many policies this coverage will protect an insured if the a hit by a driver that does not carry insurance or does not carry high enough limits to protect against the bodily injury damages that are caused. This is generally referred to an underinsured motorist protection. A good example of this would be is a consumer carried $100,000 limit for their bodily injury and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. If they were hit by another driver that only carried $15,000 in protection that caused $50,000 in damages, the consumers underinsured motorist protection would pay for the additional $35,000.
On most insurance policies the maximum amount of uninsured motorist coverage that would be offered will match the bodily injury limit that is selected on the policy. When getting quotes for auto insurance consumers should request quotes that offer a higher than minimum limit of liability and uninsured motorist coverage to ensure that in the event of an accident they have enough coverage to protect themselves and the other party involved.
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