California Car Insurance Requirements
Share: If you are a new car owner in the state of California
, or if you just moved to the state, you need to be aware of the car insurance requirements. Auto insurance requirements are different from state to state, and California has some unique demands here. California only requires that you have insurance to protect the medical treatment and property of someone else that you may have an accident with. We want to take a brief look at what levels of insurance are required for your vehicle so you can be legally insured.
By law in California a legal driver must have bodily injury coverage of at least fifteen thousand dollars per person that is inured, and at least thirty thousand dollars for all the people injured in an accident. This coverage is commonly referred to as fifteen thirty BI. This may seem like a lot of money to cover injuries, but once you think about the rising costs of medical treatment these days you may want to increase it to fifty thousand and one hundred thousand for bodily injury.
A legal driver in California must also have a minimum coverage of at least five thousand dollars of property damage. This will give you coverage to the other person car if you damage it. You really should consider upping this coverage to thirty or even fifty thousand dollars once you consider the prices of cars these days.
Aside from these two required coverages, your auto loan may require than you also carry collision and comprehensive coverage for your own vehicles. The collision coverage will make sure the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle are covered in case your car it damaged. The ultimate cost will depend on the type of car you own and its age. Your auto lender may also demand that you purchase comprehensive coverage which covers you for things such as weather damage or damage is should run into an animal. Basically it covers any type of damage that is not incurred due to a collision with another vehicle. Comp is usually not very much and it gives you coverage for theft as well, including any personal property inside the vehicle. The cost for both of these coverages will also depend on the amount of the deductible that you choose.
Share: Some other coverages you will want to consider are uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage. With the weak economy and job market today many people are choosing to drive illegally without auto insurance. With the uninsured motorist coverage you will be covered for both bodily injury and property damage if you have an accident with another person who is not insured. Even though they may be at fault and owe you to cover medical and car repair bills, they will not be able to pay you if they are not insured. The uninsured motorist coverage protects you in these cases.
The underinsured motorist coverage works much in the same way. If you have an accident with someone and they do not have enough insurance coverage to pay for your medical bills or repair bills then this coverage will kick in and pay. Again, considering how many people are trying to cut household expenses this type of insurance makes sense if you can afford it. The amount of your underinsured coverage must match the amount you have for the uninsured coverage.
If you are looking for ways to find good deals on car insurance in Kern County then you should consider purchasing
Bakersfield car insurance.
Find out more information, reviews, and availability for Bakersfield car insurance by visiting
http://bakersfield-car-insurance.netby: Elijiah Rampart
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