These are all in fact not true. The CDM Coordinator is principally responsible for coordinating design information and ensuring the design considers issues of buidability, maitainability and maintenance. The design should be reviewed to ensure it can be built safely nad maintained safely. Also look at the cost of maintenance and review whether the materials specified are infact suitable.
CDMCs' should have both construction experience allowing them to review drawings as well as a health and safety background. Far too many CDMCs' only have health and safety consultancy experience and dont know how to read a drawing. This is a problem. Also the fees charged for this service are extremely low which probably translates into a poor service. Eduction of the client is required. CDMCs' need to be better at explainging their role and identifying what's required. They need to be appointed early if they are to be effective in their role.
The CDM regulations came into existence to ensure paperwork was reduced and common sens e prevailed, far too much emphasis is placed on documentation and not enough on communication and dialogue. I've seen so much poor work that im almost pained to say I am a CDM and until this changes I cant see the fees ever increasinging, if anything they are ocming down at the moment which is worrying. I dont think I'll ever understand how its come to this which is funny considering I've done this for over 10 years.
CDM Coordinator - what is there job
By: chris barret
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:18