C-Section versus Normal or Vaginal Birth by:James Pendergraft

Share: Pregnancy nowadays is safer and less life threatening than what it was ages ago when doctors would use crude methods
. Modern technology has made delivery less painful unlike in the past wherein a woman is almost wading in her own blood during a delivery, seriously imperiling her life or that of the baby.
Through a C-section or a cesarean section, mothers are given the choice as to the kind of delivery they would like to have for their baby. This is a huge departure from normal or vaginal delivery wherein a mother has to wait for labor to finally deliver her child.
Choosing Between C-section and Normal Delivery
Batting for C-section Delivery:

Share: Today, there is a raging debate as to which method of delivering a baby is better. Is it going to be a C-section or normal delivery? Before expounding on the merits of both, let's first have a look at the reasons why a C-section delivery is done:
1) To make delivery easier, especially if the baby's size is deemed too big to pass through a woman's vagina
2) To abort a dangerous pregnancy, which may mean putting both the mother and her child at an extremely risky situation and could imperil their lives
3) To induce an early delivery without waiting for the woman to labor
These reasons are decisive factors in making C-section delivery very popular among mothers. Because of it, they are given a free rein as to the type of delivery that will fit their health.
Batting for Normal Delivery:
The following are the reasons why vaginal or normal delivery is commonly adhered to:
1) Cheaper. Today, a C-section delivery can cost a lot of money. For most couples who could not afford the exorbitant cost of the operation, the choice is easy. Although more painful than a C-section delivery, the light cost is enough for mothers to settle on their choice. Moreover, in several countries, a normal delivery does not require the assistance of a doctor. Anyone who knows something about pregnancy and delivery may assist in giving birth, although the level of safety is decidedly higher if done by professional medical practitioners.
2) Exercises one's abdominal muscles. One argument for normal or vaginal delivery is that it can exercise the muscles around the abdomen, which is very critical during delivery. With a C-section delivery, this is not possible because birth is done by a surgical procedure.
Ultimately, the choice of which type of delivery a mother wishes to avail of is something that must be thoroughly decided. The mother should always consider the risks looming in the background for either type of delivery. Moreover, a recent study reveals that risks increase with each successive C-section delivery. However, this is frequently not enough to deter some women from undergoing a cesarean operation. These women frequently put a lot of emphasis on the pain associated with normal delivery, as opposed to the relatively less painful C-section delivery.
About the author
Florida Women's Clinic , was established by Dr. James Pendergraft. Our Abortion Clinics Offering the latest, safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods including abortion pill in Orlando. For further information including family planning, please visit our premiere website. www.womenscenter.com
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