Buy Dry Bath Incubators

Share: Dry bath incubators are used for a variety of applications including restriction digests
, denaturing DNA, BUN, melting agar, coagulation studies, in situ hybridization, and Hot Start PCR. They come in digital and analog models which can be customized by using modular blocks to suit specifications.
Wholesale laboratory equipment dealers offer various brands of reliable and economical dry bath incubators. Online stores offer attractive prices, though shipping costs are extra. The product comes with a two year warranty.
Analog and Digital Dry Bath Incubators
The analog incubators offer one, two or four block capacity, while the digital models have two and four block capacity. Heating blocks are interchangeable between the models. The blocks can be bought separately. Analog Dry Baths have an amber pilot light and block extractor rod. They offer a dynamic temperature range. Dimensions vary from model to model.
Digital dry bath incubators provide added convenience for users with their "Set it and forget it" feature. There are PID controllers for easy temperature selection and rapid heat up. With most of the digital models, there are options to set temperature in 0.1C increments up to 120C. Their large LED displays show humidity setpoint, temperature, actual readings and other incubator information. They also provide superior temperature stability.
Reliable Brands for Superior Performance
Dry bath automate incubation temperature and when used along with the right block module provide stable, reproducible results. Reliable and economical brands of laboratory equipment can be sourced from well-known dealers. Established suppliers have a large inventory of leading brands and would be able to provide dry bath incubators to satisfy specific requirements.
by: Jeremy Linder
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