Buy A Stethoscope: Which Brand Is Best?

Share: If you need to buy a stethoscope, you need a tool that will help you work faster and better
. Picking a stethoscope is an individual choice based on your own hearing and its intended use. A nurse or doctor who works with children may need to buy a stethoscope model different than those working with senior citizens. The stethoscope spends a lot of time around your neck, so picking the right one for your needs is essential.
Its best to decide what your specific needs are. There are many brands and models to choose from, but they basically break down into two types: the single head and dual head. The dual head is the most used type of stethoscope because it has a 'bell' side that helps you listen to low frequency sounds and also a 'diaphragm' side that is best suited to listening to high pitch sounds. Most typically you will see the dual head style used most often because of its ease of use.
The internet has overtaken brick and mortar stores as the preferred place to buy a stethoscope. This is because it is easier and faster to comparison shop and find what you need online as compared to brick and mortar shops. The corrugated diaphragm style of stethoscope tends to be less durable and heavier. Stethoscopes that are lighter in weight and less cumbersome tend to be the most popular with most medical professionals.
Extra earpieces should be kept handy, and these can be purchased anywhere stethoscopes are sold.
When you decide to buy a stethoscope consider buying two of the same brand. Professional experience and common sense will tell you whether a single head or dual head stethoscope will be best for your individual needs. If you buy more than one you will greatly extend the life of each stethoscope by using them interchangeably.
Cheaper stethoscopes can give you poorer sound quality and can also break easier than a model that is more expensive. So don't let price be a sole determinant of which stethoscope you will buy, because this really is a case of you get what you pay for.
One company that has quality products and frequently has sales on their stethoscopes is Littmann by 3M. The Littmann brand is highly recommended when you need to buy a stethoscope. They are great quality and last forever. And they all come with warranties.
by: Joe Eagen
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