Bring Back Normal Life Through Sensitive Tooth Treatment
Sensitive teeth are one of the major causes of concern in many individuals
. They are enough to make life miserable. Individuals can gain back their normal routine of eating and drinking through its treatment.
Sensitive teeth are characterized by tingling sensation or sharp shooting pain in teeth as soon as the patient takes something cold or hot inside the mouth. For example: consuming an ice-cream or taking a coffee-sip is enough to create tingling sensation in the persons tooth. Some people experience pain due to consumption of sweet or acidic food drink. This peculiar pain is never long-lasting but hurts a lot, once it starts shooting.
People who are addicted to consumption of tobacco also experience this shooting pain in their teeth.
Imagine a situation when the person cant even take morning tea or coffee without experiencing pain in teeth. Life becomes miserable with such situation.
Cause of Sensitive teeth: The outer layer or enamel is one of the most important to protect the sensitive dentine, underneath. When there is constant deformation of enamel, then the extra-sensitive layer or dentine is exposed leading to a situation called sensitive teeth. The situation is worse at the points where tooth meets gums, because enamel is very thinner at such points.
Treatment for Sensitive teeth: a visit to specialized dental Care Center is must for treatment. Dentists will examine the dental history of a person, look for some probable symptoms inside the mouth and then ask you the detail. A metal instrument or explorer with a sharp point is commonly used to judge the level of sensitivity.
A desensitizing agent or a protective coating is applied to lower down sensitivity.
Desensitizing tooth-paste is another solution to sensitive teeth. It forms a protective layer on teeth and makes the tooth less-prone to hot and cold treatments. Potassium nitrate and Strontium Chloride are other two chemicals who diminish tooth sensitivity.
Brushing teeth twice a day with Sensitive Teeth tooth-paste helps in treating sensitive teeth over a period of time. Avoid sugary and fizzy foods to lower down sensitivity to a great deal. Dont grind teeth or it may degenerate enamel to a large extent.