Brighten Your Smile With A Teeth Whitening Procedure Today
Are your teeth discolored or stained? Years of smoking or eating certain foods can contribute to the discoloration of your teeth
. If you feel like you are ready for a new smile, you should consider pursuing some form of teeth whitening. Millions of Americans have successfully had their teeth whitened. Today, teeth whitening is extremely safe and easy. With options available for any budget, there is a choice that will work for you. If you are thinking about whitening your teeth, talk to your Pompano Beach dentist today.
Over The Counter Products
There are a variety of over the counter products on the market today that claim to whiten your teeth. These products can vary in effectiveness so it is important to do the proper research before making a purchase. You will be able to easily find whitening strips, gels and toothpastes at your local drug store. In general, these products are less effective than using a dentist-approved method. However, the cost of an over the counter method can be significantly cheaper than what you would find going into your dentist's office. If you are looking for only a small amount of whitening or you do not want to spend very much money, an over the counter product may be the right choice for you.
Dentist-Approved Methods
If you are serious about whitening your teeth a significant amount, the best thing you can do is talk to your dentist about what your options are. Generally your dentist will present you with two: getting your teeth whitened in the office or getting fitted for a take home whitening kit.
If you decide to get a take home kit, your dentist will start the process by taking detailed impressions of your teeth. From these impressions, he or she will create a set of trays for you to take home. Once home, you will apply whitening gel to the trays and wear them on your teeth for about one hour. After about two weeks of doing this, the process will be over and you will be able to start enjoying your new smile.
The other option you could choose is to get your teeth whitened professionally by your dentist in his or her office. To method has proven to be the most successful and delivers the quickest results. Your dentist will start by evenly applying the whitening gel to the front of your teeth. After this, he or she will usually shine a special light or laser onto your teeth. This will activate the hydrogen peroxide in the gel, which is the ingredient that actually will whiten your teeth. After repeating this process a few times, your teeth will be drastically whiter than they were before the appointment. Since the entire process is completed in about an hour, this is a good method if you want to get your teeth whitened on short notice.
To learn more about teeth whitening or to schedule an appointment, contact your dentist in Pompano Beach today.
by: Gen Wright
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