Breeding Crested Geckos

Share: Crested leopard geckos or Rhacodactylus ciliatus are lovable creatures that are quite easy to handle
. First of all, this species of lizard does not bite. In addition, they come in various colors and patterns that are very pleasant to look at. A crested gecko as a pet is a new idea but is rapidly gaining popularity today.
Crested leopard geckos are indigenous to the islands of New Caledonia. This place is located on the northeast of Australia. Alphone Guichenot is the one who discovered and described the beauty of crested geckos which happened around 1866. People have believed that the crested geckos have already become extinct. But on the 1994, crested geckos have been rediscovered.
These lizards live in the tropical lowland areas of the rain forests. They can mostly be spotted onn the canopy zones of treetops approximately 15-50 feet above the floor of the forest. They are nocturnal creatures. During daytime, they sleep. But when the night sets in, they hunt for food. They have adhesive toes and tail pads which help them climb tall trees.
For pet lovers, choosing crested geckos as pets is a great idea. Even
breeding leopard geckos of this type is more exciting. But it is important to know how to breed these lovely lizards. Breeding crested geckos is quite easy. Unfortunately, the crested gecko cannot breed until they reach 3-4 months old. But when they become mature, it is quite easy to breed them. Male geckos develop an external penal bulge on the base of the tale. On the other hand, the base of the tail of female geckos has a flattened with a small bulge.

Share: In about nine months, crested geckos mature sexually. Breeding crested geckos can be performed at this age. However, it is best to wait a little longer for the geckos to reach their overall growth. This will happen when they reach one year old. Breeding crested geckos is possible with just a pair. Yet, it is better to have one male and four females. Exceeding this number of female geckos might pose a problem such as overcrowding, decreased egg production, infertility and stress.
It is advised to place a container for eggs inside the habitat of the geckos. It should be 6 in long, 6 in wide and 4 in tall. It should always be moist at all times. Providing such a container makes it easier to locate the eggs of the geckos.

Share: Upon observation before and during breeding, males might manifest aggressive behaviors towards the females. This is actually normal. Since crested geckos are nocturnal creatures, breeding usually happens at nighttime. A female gecko may lay two eggs 28-40 days after mating. When the eggs are laid, these should be removed from the container and be placed somewhere else for incubation like in a vermiculite or perlite. Incubation can also be done on an area with changing room temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The eggs take a long time to hatch. It will take about 65 to 75 days. But using an incubation process, it can hatch at about 50-60 days.
The eggs are pearly white and have leathery texture. A yellowish look, thin and soft shell is not a good characteristic. This may be due to failure to be fertilized, calcium insufficiency, too old or too young female gecko, or simply a sick and unhealthy female.
Breeding Crested Geckos
By: Lemuel Asibal
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2024-12-4 16:10
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