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Breast Lift: Answer To Some Questions You Might Have

A breast lift procedure is called a mastopexy in the medical world

. Sagging boobs are a common malady experienced by multitudes of women. Here are some of the most common questions about the cosmetic procedure designed to correct drooping breasts.

What causes boobs to droop in the first place? Breast skin holds the tissue, fats and mammary glands in place. When tissue and fat decreases, the skin becomes stretched out and therefore sags. As a body ages, it is natural for the skin to lose elasticity.

When reading about mastopexy, the word "ptosis" repeatedly comes up; exactly what is ptosis? The word "ptosis" is defined as a medical term for the degree of droop. Some ptosis is natural, even in young boobs, due to the weight of the tissue, fat and glands, but a large amount of ptosis appears unattractively flattened out and saggy.

How long does a bosom lift take to perform? This surgery takes from two to three hours to perform. An overnight stay is usually not required and the patient will be able to go home the same day.

Where are the incisions placed in this procedure? The location and type of incisions that will be made depend on the amount of tissue to be removed. If a small amount of lifting is needed, the incision will be around the nipple area. This is called a donut technique. If a bit more lifting is necessary, a vertical incision will be placed below the circular one, resulting in a lollipop technique. If a maximum amount of lifting is necessary, an additional incision will be made below the boobs crease, resulting in the anchor lift.

When is it necessary to use implants in conjunction with a lift procedure? If the boob is not merely drooping, but also has lost excessive fullness, it may be necessary to use implants to fill out the area in order to have an optimum result. Implants come in a variety of sizes, shapes and textures. They may be filled with either saline or silicone.

What risks are associated with a bosom lift? Any medical procedure entails a certain degree of risk. Complication possibilities include an adverse reaction to the anesthetic, unsightly scarring, excessive bleeding, asymmetry between the two breasts and a decrease in nipple sensitivity.

Breast lifts are generally quite successful and many women have achieved wonderful results. An initial consultation with a reputable cosmetic surgeon should answer any additional questions that one may have.

by: Abigail Aaronson
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Breast Lift: Answer To Some Questions You Might Have