Breast Cancer Month Quotes
Author: Hamish Jones
Author: Hamish Jones
They are vital to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body.
Breast Cancer Month Quotes Because of this reason, these acids must be obtained from food. These efas, vital elements of the human body are very efficient in preventing and treating numerous medical conditions. A series of studies concluded that women that consume fatty rich foods on a regular basis have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. The fatality of breast cancer is greatly reduced if women eat large amounts of omega 3 aliments, such as fatty fish or brown kelp seaweed. Women who try to reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer can very well substitute meat for fish. Scientists have linked the development and growth of breast cancer tumors to the improper balance between the amounts of fatty acids in the body. Medics can only suspect at this time the way the these acids help protect against breast cancer. Administering these fats in combination with other nutrients (vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium and coenzyme Q10) can play an important role in understanding the way breast cancer may be slowed down or even defeated. A Danish study performed on 200 women showed that administering omega 3 supplements can ease menstrual pains and associated conditions, such as hot flashes or increased sweating.">Lung Cancer Secrets Revealed Click here Such fats also play an important role in protecting the skin. Because one of the effects of these fatty acids is reducing inflammation, they have been used to heal wounds of burnt victims. The presence of omega 3 in the body helps keep a correct balance of proteins in the body, and many such proteins are important for skin repair and recovery after sustaining a burn. Being vital elements of the cell membrane, these fats help protect the skin from damaging factors. A study focused on people suffering from psoriasis showed that the combination of supplements plus standard psoriasis treatment was more efficient than taking only the medication. Skin specialists recommend people who are suffering from acne to consume omega rich flaxseed because of the benefit fatty acids have on treating skin problems. People suffering from light sensitivity get their UV exposure symptoms relieved after taking fish oil supplements. Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - Natural High Dha Fish Oil focuses on omega 3 as a whole, and in particular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Dha Esters.">lung cancer treatment breakthroughs Click here About the Author:">lung cancer best treatment Click here
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