Body Contouring: Make Your Dreams Come True With Modern Techniques

Share: In the past, you had to live with whatever you were dealt
. Now, you've got the option of body contouring. Contouring refers to a variety of "plastic surgery lite" techniques to get your features exactly how you want it. You can design yourself and have a skilled plastic surgeon make it a reality.
What can be done with contouring? Here are just a few ideas...
Just about any part of you can get a lift. This is a minor surgery that boosts your favorite parts, and busts the sagginess that affects us with age. There are breast lifts, arm lifts, neck lifts, butt lifts, brow lifts, and just about anything-else lifts.

Share: The lift usually involves small incisions and the removal of tissue from a key area. This tissue is what causes droopiness and sagginess. It accumulates over time. Once it's removed, the other tissue around it is adjusted so that it's more perky and natural.
We all know about breast implants, but not everybody knows that there are implants for virtually every part of you. The doctor makes a cut, slips in the implant and patches you up, and nobody can tell that you've had work done.
These days there are more and more natural options for implants. In the past, doctors used gel implants exclusively, but an exciting new technology called "autologous" implanting uses fatty tissue or muscle from other parts of the body. This means that you can move the flab in your abs, and move it to your breasts where you can really use it!
Too much junk in the trunk? Reduction can be done also just about everywhere in the body. Here, tissue is removed in order to make it a little smaller. This surgery can be used in combination with lifts, tucks or lipo to achieve the perfect desired result. Reduction is much easier and quicker than augmentation and other types of surgery.
Liposuction is still widely used to remove pockets of flab here and there. Modern improvements have made it easier and more effective. A surgeon can inject a fluid that melts the fat and makes it easier to suck out. This fluid also anesthetizes, making the operation smoother, and cuts down on blood loss.
The real innovation of modern body contouring is the ability to use combinations of light surgeries. With a little lift, a tiny tuck and some light liposuction, you can get your overall body into the shape you want. Talk to a surgeon today about what contouring techniques they can use to make your dreams come true.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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