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Betta Illnesses And Treatment

Betta Illnesses And Treatment

When dispensing the medicines required, it is vital to dispense exactly the correct does

. It is vital that you know how much water is in your fish tank so you can administer the exact amount of medicine.

Betta Disease - Fungus Infection

Water for Bettas are Water Temperature for Bettas are great posts that will show you the best water conditions for Betta Fish. If you regularly add aquarium salt or Aquarisol to your tank when you change your fish's water, you should never again have a fungus infection. While fungus is contagious to the other fish, your Betta will make a full recovery if treated quickly. Once your Betta is cured, be sure to sanitize the entire fish tank thoroughly.

The best treatment is to administer Fungus Eliminator combined with BettaZing simultaneously - this will get rid of almost all fungus. You need to administer around 35-40 grains of Fungus Eliminator for every half gallon of water. The correct amount of BettaZing is four drops for each 0.5 gallons of water. You usually can buy both of these items at your nearby pet store, or buy them on the internet.Betta Illnesses And Treatment

Betta Fish Illness - Ick

Adding Aquarisol or Aquarium salt to your water after every water change will prevent Ick in the future. Because Ick is extremely contageous it is good practice to treat the whole tank, not just your Betta fish.

Ick is very sensitive to heat, so if you have a heater, raise the temperature of your fish tank to 85 degrees F. Administer one drop of Aquarisol for every gallon of water in your tank. Repeat this daily until one or two days after your fish are healthy. It should not take more than 3-5 days to heal your fish.

Betta Disease - Fin Rot

Fin rot comes from dirty water or a unclean fish tank. Your Betta will never catch Fin Rot if you are vigilant about sanitizing and changing his water. On the bright side, it is not spreadable to other fish and is pretty easy to cure. Your Betta's fins and/or tail will return, but could be smaller with a different color.

Maracyn I and II administered together will generally get rid of early stages of Fin Rot. Most local pet shops will hold Maracyn I and II. Prior to using them in your tank, the tablets should be completely crushed. A single tablet treats a ten gallon fish tank - be certain to deposit just half of the recommended dose but to use both meds.

If the Fin or Tail Rot has progressed, you could need something stronger. You should utilize Tetracycline or Ampicillin. You could have to purchase these meds on the internet, since they might be tough to find at a local pet store.

Regardless of the treatment, it can be as much as four weeks before the fins or tail stop rotting and begin to recover, so be strong and do not give up! Once the missing parts start to grow back, you should stop medicating.

Betta Illness - Velvet

The top killer of Betta fries is the parasite known as Velvet. Keeping your fish tank sanitized with Aquarisol will prevent this disease from developing. Velvet is very spreadable so you must treat your entire fish tank, but you should still isolate your Betta fish in a small fish tank if it is infected with Velvet and the other fish look healthy. Make sure to clean your fish net and all other tools in or near the tank. Place the tank in a dark area, and use twelve drops of BettaZing per gallon of water.

Betta Disease - Popeye

Popeye is a bacterial infection caused by dirty water. It is usually not fatal. Your Betta should make a complete recovery if you discover it soon (although he may lose the eye if the treatment is started too late). As soon as possible do a full water change and keep his water is very clean with a water change every other day. The antibiotic Ampicillin works wonders, but can be challenging to administer to smaller fish tanks because it comes in a capsule meant for a ten gallon tank. Make sure to use the right dose daily for one week AFTER the popeye goes away.

Betta Fish Disease - DropsyBetta Illnesses And Treatment

Black worms and other filthy or contaminated live food can spread Dropsy. The bacteria that spreads Dropsy is easily spreadable so make sure to separate your sick Betta. Sometimes with a mild case your Betta may heal, but unfortunately there isn't a cure for Dropsy.

Betta Fish Disease - Tuberculoses

This can be caused by unclean live food. Your Betta may not show signs of infection for as much as 6 months. Tuberculosis is really hard to eliminate and is really lethal to almost all other fish. Even bleach can't sanitize against it. You will most likely have to despose of your tank, net and all remaining gear.

by: Jason Andrews
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Betta Illnesses And Treatment