Be Your Own Boss: The American Dream

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Be Your Own Boss: The American Dream
Be your own boss. It is the American dream. It is what people from around the world aspire to become when they reach America. However, Americans find it the hardest to achieve such a goal. What is it that stops Americans from achieving what comes so easily to so many people who come to America? Find out what is preventing you from getting the life you want.
Are you willing to learn?

Share: Call it pride. Call it laziness. Call it whatever you like. If you are not willing to learn, then you will never be your own boss. You have to be open to learning new things if you want to change your life.
Consider it for just a minute. Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different result. If you continue to do what you are doing, how do you expect to get a different result? The only way you can get a different result is by learning a new way to do things. Then, and only then, will you be able to function differently and, therefore, get different results.
Are you willing to change?
Are you willing to change what you are currently doing to become your own boss? If it means you have to stop going out to eat while you learn, will you stop eating out so you can learn?
Again, repeating the same actions will not get different results. If you want to change your life, then you must be willing to change things in your life. Everything is always about choices. You have to make the choice between what you are currently doing and what you must do to get the changes you want.
Until you are ready to change what you are doing, you can never expect to get different results. If you want to be your own boss, then you will have to change the way you work.
Never Give In
In order to get your dream, you must decide once and for all that you will never give up. You will keep going no matter what it costs, no matter how long it takes, no matter what you have to do, you will continue until you get your dreams.
You will have to start with little to nothing and build your way up. You will have to learn more and more each day until you get what you want. You will have to invest your time, your money and your energy to pursuing your dreams. When you have made this decision to go until you succeed, then you will find your success.
If you want your own home based business, then you can have it. All you need to do is find someone who has what you want and copy what he or she did. When you duplicate success, you will achieve success. Repeating what you are currently doing, if it isn't working, will get you nowhere. You must change what you are doing so you can get a different result.
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