Be Successful In Finding An Excellent Job
Share: Hunting for an excellent job will take time, effort and knowledge
. If you think about it, looking for the ideal job is really a job in itself and, if you can become good at it, you could enhance any job search in your future, no matter what the economy is doing. Too many people just want the job search to end as soon as possible and end up taking the first thing that comes along.
Most people assume that the logical place to start a job search is to look at the classified ads in the newspaper. This is a mistake because the jobs advertised there are the ones that are very easily described with a couple of words. These are usually lower wage jobs or positions that have specific qualifications, like degrees, certifications or years of experience. If you don't have these specialized qualifications, reading ads like this is just depressing and usually a waste of time.
Jobs that pay better are usually more difficult to describe inside a little ad and so often they aren't advertised at all. Instead most of these positions are filled using agencies or personal networks. People landing some of the highest paying positions often make their initial contact through a network of personal relationships.
If you want to get a great job you need to invest time in some social networking. You might believe that you do not know how to network, but you already do it all the time with friends or acquaintances to get recommendations on restaurants, dentists or hairdressers, for instance. All you need to do is apply these same abilities for your job search.
Share: Start by producing a list of former co-workers, family members, close friends and even neighbors. Prepare a short description of what type of position you're searching for and what abilities and experience you have. Contact all the people on your list and go over your search information with them. Ask them to suggest other individuals you can speak with potential opportunities. You should also ask them if they know of resources like publications or websites may be able to help you with your search.
Make notes on the information you get and don't hesitate to call people that are recommended to you. A good habit to get into is to write a short thank you note to those who take the time to assist you. A note like this is always appreciated and is a reminder of your conversation. The person you talked to may have even thought of someone to recommend after talking to you. In this case the note can prompt them to make contact with you with this additional information.
You should also make use of the internet for your work research. Since there is typically a lot more space on web pages to describe work openings than on small classified ads, many higher paid positions are advertised. One thing to be cautious about is to not allow the internet to take too much time and keep you from personal networking.
Social networking internet sites are becoming more and more efficient as a technique for locating jobs. These social web sites can also become big time wasters so make certain you stay focused. Start by signing up with Twitter and create an concise bio within the 160 characters available. By following web sites like jobangels, jobshouts or twithire you should uncover work openings that might not be advertised anywhere else.
By becoming skilled at internet and individual networking for work hunting, you are doing much more than finding a job. You are developing a life skill that will be of benefit to you for the rest of your life. Even after you have started your new job, you should always be aware of contacts you can add to your network. Maintaining an efficient network of contacts means that you will always be in a position to find a great job whenever you want to.
by: Allen Webb
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