Being persistent is the most important quality for every successful blogger or site owner. Persistence breeds consistence in both quality and quantity. So if you lack persistence, both you and your site will become inconsistent in delivering content to your audience. What's more, persistence is an important part of getting your name out there and attracting new readership.
Keep in mind that being persistent does not mean badgering others with excessive comments, offers or emails. Instead, it implies that you examine yourself and how you can focus your efforts on providing great content in an efficient and timely manner.
The Benefits of Being Persistent
Readers know when content is coming and are excited to check back for new information.
Readers appreciate your consistent quality.
Fellow writers and bloggers will seek collaborative efforts with your site because you don't seem to be a flash in the pan writer.
Writer's block has no defense against persistence.
Readers will spread the word about you and your site because you're dependable.
All these great things come as a direct result of being a persistent writer. How persistent are you? Do you take long breaks from writing and publishing content? Do you consistently write articles for directories and get your name out there? Do you provide helpful comments for fellow blogs or sites in your niche?
Part of being persistent is sticking to a game plan and well... being persistent about it! When can you afford to write articles consistently? How often can you leave a comment on a fellow site and take the time to read as well as write? Plan ahead and figure out when during the week you have time to spend on your site and suddenly the quality and quantity will become consistent. Trust me, your readers will greatly appreciate it and you'll get far more subscribers/followers over time.
Part of being persistent is sticking to a game plan and well... being persistent about it! When can you afford to write articles consistently? How often can you leave a comment on a fellow site and take the time to read as well as write? Plan ahead and figure out when during the week you have time to spend on your site and suddenly the quality and quantity will become consistent. Trust me, your readers will greatly appreciate it and you'll get far more subscribers/followers over time.
Markco writes daily about Generating Traffic at The Traffic Blogger. Learn to be a blogging professional and drive thousands of targeted readers to your site on a daily basis.